Генератор fsc кодов для bmw по vin
Постов о том, как обновить карты в сис или нбт, как записывать флешки, как вставлять и куда-- уже полно и с выходом очередного обновления карт их становится еще больше.
Я же рассмотрю вариант когда нам нужен код для активации карт.
Как тут я уже описывал, для простого пользователя bmw есть также два способа. Купить у людей, прислав им свой вин код, либо приехать к человеку с кабелем, который при вас на месте "вычитает" этот код из машины, да еще и обычно у него флешка есть с картами и качать карты, записывать и покупать флешки- не надо. Цена вопроса в обоих случаях стоит +- 2 тыс.
И как уже упоминал по ссылке выше, решил заняться этим делом сам, ради себя и интереса. Пишу для таких же дилетантов в этом вопросе, но которым интересно было бы самому прощупать этот процесс. Тем более все крайне просто как оказалось.
Что потребуется:
1. Кабель e-net. Я покупал у человека на авито. Для тех кто не в теме совсем, e-net кабель, это по сути Ethernet c одной стороны, а с другой- OBD. Цена 1000-1500р в Москве. На али дешевле. В лс дам контакт человека, у которого покупал. Мне же пришлось купить еще ии переходник на usb 3.0, так как в ноутбуке у меня нет ethernet разъема. С USB 2.0 не знаю как будет работать, так как скорость передачи будет медленней. Многие "чайники" увидят, что в продаже есть сразу кабель obd- usb (inpa k dcan usb). Для современных f и g серий он не подойдет. Так что только enet.
3. Программы для: а) получения fsc кода из машины. б) Генерации кода непосредственно для ввода в головное устройство.
В конце расскажу еще про китайскую программку которая легко позволяет сделать код в несколько кликов, без всяких установок и гемора. Кроме того она позволяет делать простые кодировки, читать ошибки с машины и крайне быстро (Точнее будет ссылка на пост, так как инфы много и корректней про нее рассказать отдельно). Я же ставил себе все больше для подстраховки. Как показала практика с нбт- работает и то и другое.
Этот пост для более "сложного", но классического получения кода, но которым в основном все сейчас и пользуются
Дальше ставим собственно считыватель fsc из машины (Swid reader):
Скачиваем только Swid reader. Скажу, что есть два варианта свид ридера, для cic и nbt, внешне одинаковых. Можно также найти в интернете. _de это именно для NBT. С сисом я еще не проверил. Но как было написано при загрузке, работает со всем головами. Не забываем читать инструкцию по установке.
Когда все будет готово, коннектимся к машине кабелем (машину оставляем на зажигании) и считываем из машины файл и сохраняем его себе в компьютер.
Скажу что у меня были проблем с ediabas как я понял и swid_de_reader не видел мою машину. Несколько раз переустанавливал, пока все не заработало. Грешил также на переходних usb. Причину так я и не понял. Свид ридеры тоже с разных мест скачивал и тестил.
Больше нам машина на данном этапе не нужна, можем отсоединяться.
В генераторе показываем пусть к файлу, полученному из машины. (генерация по вину у меня лично не сработала).
Дальше выбираем какую карту, версию и тд. Все и так понятно, тип карты, регион, версия.
Код генерируется и готово. Лайфтайм код я не пробовал. Теоретически это "вечный" код.
Как вы заметили, в моей ссылке есть zip архив bmwicoder. Это вот та самая китайская прога, которая объединяет в себе возможности "считывателя" и генератора. Только удобней и быстрей
This is (hopefully) a more user-friendly CIC/NBT FSC Key Generator for Windows, Linux and OSX based off of the work of the original FSC Key Generator and Intel123's certificate Patcher.
- The Key Generator will auto-detect and accept either Base64 (Text) or binary FSC file inputs, as well as the file type (1B or NBT). (You can over-ride the detection setting, using the "CIC/NBT" radio buttons).
- The Key Generator will download and use the most recent copy of the BMW "Lookup.xml" file for key generation parameters. In Linux and Windows, this file is stored in the same directory as the Key Generator. For OSX, it is stored in ~/Downloads/
- The RSAKeys.txt file keeps a copy all submitted RSA keys. The Generator will download and use the most recent copy of the file. In Linux and Windows, this file is stored in the same directory as the Key Generator. For OSX, it is stored in ~/Downloads/
- It appears that the key stored in the "FSC" file pulled from the car is not necessarily unique to the car, but may be shared across multiple cars built within a short time window.
Here is the short vin from 3x NBT units, and the codes
could you maybe reupload it?
could you maybe reupload it?
Is this able to run on 64 bit system or just 32 bit like the other one.
Genarated the code by date maybe that doesn't work
Then searched net(found sollution), used esys to read and create fsc file, used file to genarate code and now its installing
Genarated the code by date maybe that doesn't work
Then searched net(found sollution), used esys to read and create fsc file, used file to genarate code and now its installing
To put in short description yes that is the way.
production date 01,02,2011 North America Premium code
Is this able to run on 64 bit system or just 32 bit like the other one.
For me the same question. FSC generation by file generates a fsc code, but bij Date I can't select any date, its grayed out.
I'm using WIN10 64 bit
Thanks for your reply
This is (hopefully) a more user-friendly CIC/NBT FSC Key Generator for Windows, Linux and OSX based off of the work of the original FSC Key Generator and Intel123's certificate Patcher.
- The Key Generator will auto-detect and accept either Base64 (Text) or binary FSC file inputs, as well as the file type (1B or NBT). (You can over-ride the detection setting, using the "CIC/NBT" radio buttons).
- The Key Generator will download and use the most recent copy of the BMW "Lookup.xml" file for key generation parameters. In Linux and Windows, this file is stored in the same directory as the Key Generator. For OSX, it is stored in ~/Downloads/
- The RSAKeys.txt file keeps a copy all submitted RSA keys. The Generator will download and use the most recent copy of the file. In Linux and Windows, this file is stored in the same directory as the Key Generator. For OSX, it is stored in ~/Downloads/
- It appears that the key stored in the "FSC" file pulled from the car is not necessarily unique to the car, but may be shared across multiple cars built within a short time window.
If you would like to help out, and have pulled your FSC file, please send me a copy. I will not include or publish any car-specific information, but will add the FSC file date and RSA key to the RSAKeys.txt file. Hopefully if enough are gathered, some people will be able to create an FSC for their car, without having to pull any files.
How do you pull the 1b and DE codes from the car? As I read this this program can translate the 1b code to a new FSC code but how do you get the 1b/ DE code from start?
This is (hopefully) a more user-friendly CIC/NBT FSC Key Generator for Windows, Linux and OSX based off of the work of the original FSC Key Generator and Intel123's certificate Patcher.
- The Key Generator will auto-detect and accept either Base64 (Text) or binary FSC file inputs, as well as the file type (1B or NBT). (You can over-ride the detection setting, using the "CIC/NBT" radio buttons).
- The Key Generator will download and use the most recent copy of the BMW "Lookup.xml" file for key generation parameters. In Linux and Windows, this file is stored in the same directory as the Key Generator. For OSX, it is stored in ~/Downloads/
- The RSAKeys.txt file keeps a copy all submitted RSA keys. The Generator will download and use the most recent copy of the file. In Linux and Windows, this file is stored in the same directory as the Key Generator. For OSX, it is stored in ~/Downloads/
- It appears that the key stored in the "FSC" file pulled from the car is not necessarily unique to the car, but may be shared across multiple cars built within a short time window.
Here is the short vin from 3x NBT units, and the codes
could you maybe reupload it?
could you maybe reupload it?
Is this able to run on 64 bit system or just 32 bit like the other one.
Genarated the code by date maybe that doesn't work
Then searched net(found sollution), used esys to read and create fsc file, used file to genarate code and now its installing
Genarated the code by date maybe that doesn't work
Then searched net(found sollution), used esys to read and create fsc file, used file to genarate code and now its installing
To put in short description yes that is the way.
production date 01,02,2011 North America Premium code
Is this able to run on 64 bit system or just 32 bit like the other one.
For me the same question. FSC generation by file generates a fsc code, but bij Date I can't select any date, its grayed out.
I'm using WIN10 64 bit
Thanks for your reply
This is (hopefully) a more user-friendly CIC/NBT FSC Key Generator for Windows, Linux and OSX based off of the work of the original FSC Key Generator and Intel123's certificate Patcher.
- The Key Generator will auto-detect and accept either Base64 (Text) or binary FSC file inputs, as well as the file type (1B or NBT). (You can over-ride the detection setting, using the "CIC/NBT" radio buttons).
- The Key Generator will download and use the most recent copy of the BMW "Lookup.xml" file for key generation parameters. In Linux and Windows, this file is stored in the same directory as the Key Generator. For OSX, it is stored in ~/Downloads/
- The RSAKeys.txt file keeps a copy all submitted RSA keys. The Generator will download and use the most recent copy of the file. In Linux and Windows, this file is stored in the same directory as the Key Generator. For OSX, it is stored in ~/Downloads/
- It appears that the key stored in the "FSC" file pulled from the car is not necessarily unique to the car, but may be shared across multiple cars built within a short time window.
If you would like to help out, and have pulled your FSC file, please send me a copy. I will not include or publish any car-specific information, but will add the FSC file date and RSA key to the RSAKeys.txt file. Hopefully if enough are gathered, some people will be able to create an FSC for their car, without having to pull any files.
How do you pull the 1b and DE codes from the car? As I read this this program can translate the 1b code to a new FSC code but how do you get the 1b/ DE code from start?
This is (hopefully) a more user-friendly CIC/NBT FSC Key Generator for Windows, Linux and OSX based off of the work of the original FSC Key Generator and Intel123's certificate Patcher.
- The Key Generator will auto-detect and accept either Base64 (Text) or binary FSC file inputs, as well as the file type (1B or NBT). (You can over-ride the detection setting, using the "CIC/NBT" radio buttons).
- The Key Generator will download and use the most recent copy of the BMW "Lookup.xml" file for key generation parameters. In Linux and Windows, this file is stored in the same directory as the Key Generator. For OSX, it is stored in ~/Downloads/
- The RSAKeys.txt file keeps a copy all submitted RSA keys. The Generator will download and use the most recent copy of the file. In Linux and Windows, this file is stored in the same directory as the Key Generator. For OSX, it is stored in ~/Downloads/
- It appears that the key stored in the "FSC" file pulled from the car is not necessarily unique to the car, but may be shared across multiple cars built within a short time window.
Here is the short vin from 3x NBT units, and the codes
could you maybe reupload it?
could you maybe reupload it?
Is this able to run on 64 bit system or just 32 bit like the other one.
Genarated the code by date maybe that doesn't work
Then searched net(found sollution), used esys to read and create fsc file, used file to genarate code and now its installing
Genarated the code by date maybe that doesn't work
Then searched net(found sollution), used esys to read and create fsc file, used file to genarate code and now its installing
To put in short description yes that is the way.
production date 01,02,2011 North America Premium code
Is this able to run on 64 bit system or just 32 bit like the other one.
For me the same question. FSC generation by file generates a fsc code, but bij Date I can't select any date, its grayed out.
I'm using WIN10 64 bit
Thanks for your reply
This is (hopefully) a more user-friendly CIC/NBT FSC Key Generator for Windows, Linux and OSX based off of the work of the original FSC Key Generator and Intel123's certificate Patcher.
- The Key Generator will auto-detect and accept either Base64 (Text) or binary FSC file inputs, as well as the file type (1B or NBT). (You can over-ride the detection setting, using the "CIC/NBT" radio buttons).
- The Key Generator will download and use the most recent copy of the BMW "Lookup.xml" file for key generation parameters. In Linux and Windows, this file is stored in the same directory as the Key Generator. For OSX, it is stored in ~/Downloads/
- The RSAKeys.txt file keeps a copy all submitted RSA keys. The Generator will download and use the most recent copy of the file. In Linux and Windows, this file is stored in the same directory as the Key Generator. For OSX, it is stored in ~/Downloads/
- It appears that the key stored in the "FSC" file pulled from the car is not necessarily unique to the car, but may be shared across multiple cars built within a short time window.
If you would like to help out, and have pulled your FSC file, please send me a copy. I will not include or publish any car-specific information, but will add the FSC file date and RSA key to the RSAKeys.txt file. Hopefully if enough are gathered, some people will be able to create an FSC for their car, without having to pull any files.
How do you pull the 1b and DE codes from the car? As I read this this program can translate the 1b code to a new FSC code but how do you get the 1b/ DE code from start?
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