Как сделать стартер пак в роблокс студио
This class is a Service! It is a top-level singleton which can be retrieved using the ServiceProvider/GetService|GetService function.
This object cannot be created with the Instance|Instance.new constructor function.
A service-level container whose contents are copied into each Player ’s Backpack when the player spawns. It is generally used to hold Tools , but is sometimes used to hold LocalScript s to ensure that each player gets a copy.
When a player’s character spawns, the contents of the StarterPack and their StarterGear are copied into their Backpack . Once a character dies, the Backpack is removed and a new one is created – populating it using the contents of StarterPack and StarterGear .
The StarterPack is used to determine a set of Tool s that all players will spawn with. If a developer wants to ensure that certain Tool s are available to specific players, then they will need to parent the Tool s directly to the player’s Backpack instead.
Note: while normally the contents of StarterPack are predefined, the contents can be changed while the game is running by adding and removing Tool s accordingly. These updates will pass onto a player’s backpack when they respawn and their backpacks are reloaded. Changes to the StarterPack should be made by the server.
A tool can be added to the StarterPack using the following code.
Inherited from Instance: Show Hide
Determines if an Instance can be cloned using /Instance/Clone or saved to file.
A read-only string representing the class this Instance belongs to
The cost of saving the instance using data persistence.
A non-unique identifier of the Instance
Determines the hierarchical parent of the Instance
A deprecated property that used to protect CoreGui objects
Inherited from Instance: Show Hide
ClearAllChildren ( )
This function destroys all of an Instance ’s children.
Clone ( )
Create a copy of an object and all its descendants, ignoring objects that are not Instance/Archivable|Archivable
Destroy ( )
Sets the Instance/Parent property to nil, locks the Instance/Parent property, disconnects all connections and calls Destroy on all children.
FindFirstAncestor ( string name )
Returns the first ancestor of the Instance whose Instance/Name is equal to the given name.
FindFirstAncestorOfClass ( string className )
Returns the first ancestor of the Instance whose Instance/ClassName is equal to the given className.
FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA ( string className )
Returns the first ancestor of the Instance for whom Instance/IsA returns true for the given className.
FindFirstChild ( string name , bool recursive )
Returns the first child of the Instance found with the given name.
FindFirstChildOfClass ( string className )
Returns the first child of the Instance whose Instance/ClassName|ClassName is equal to the given className.
FindFirstChildWhichIsA ( string className , bool recursive )
Returns the first child of the Instance for whom Instance/IsA returns true for the given className.
FindFirstDescendant ( string name )
Returns the first descendant found with the given FullName (or partial FullName).
GetActor ( )
Returns the Actor associated with the Instance, usually the first Actor ancestor
GetAttribute ( string attribute )
Returns the attribute which has been assigned to the given name
GetAttributeChangedSignal ( string attribute )
Returns an event that fires when the given attribute changes
GetAttributes ( )
Returns a dictionary of string → variant pairs for each of the Instance|Instance’s attributes
GetChildren ( )
Returns an array containing all of the Instance ’s children.
GetDebugId ( int scopeLength )
Returns a coded string of the Instance s DebugId used internally by Roblox.
GetDescendants ( )
Returns an array containing all of the descendants of the instance
GetFullName ( )
Returns a string describing the Instance ’s ancestry.
GetPropertyChangedSignal ( string property )
Get an event that fires when a given property of an object changes.
IsA ( string className )
Returns true if an Instance ’s class matches or inherits from a given class
IsAncestorOf ( Instance descendant )
Returns true if an Instance is an ancestor of the given descendant.
IsDescendantOf ( Instance ancestor )
Returns true if an Instance is a descendant of the given ancestor.
Remove ( )
Sets the object’s Parent to nil, and does the same for all its descendants.
SetAttribute ( string attribute , Variant value )
Sets the attribute with the given name to the given value
WaitForChild ( string childName , double timeOut )
Returns the child of the Instance with the given name. If the child does not exist, it will yield the current thread until it does.
This class is a Service! It is a top-level singleton which can be retrieved using the ServiceProvider/GetService|GetService function.
This object cannot be created with the Instance|Instance.new constructor function.
A service which allows the defaults of properties in the Player object to be set. When a player enters the server, each property of the player object is set to the current value of the corresponding property in StarterPlayer.
Additionally, you may add four objects to this service:
- A StarterPlayerScripts instance, with scripts that run once for each player.
- A StarterCharacterScripts instance, with scripts to add to each player’s character every time they spawn.
- A Humanoid instance named StarterHumanoid, which will be used as the default humanoid for each player’s character.
- A Model instance named StarterCharacter, which will be used as the character model for all players
A typical structure may look something like this:
Describes the current game’s permission levels regarding custom avatar animations from the website
Sets whether the character will automatically jump when hitting an obstacle on a mobile device.
The maximum distance the player’s default camera is allowed to zoom out in studs.
The minimum distance in studs the player’s default camera is allowed to zoom in.
Changes the default camera’s mode to either first or third person.
Determines the starting value of Humanoid/JumpHeight for Player/Character
Determines the starting value of Humanoid/JumpPower for Player/Character
Determines the starting value of Humanoid/MaxSlopeAngle for Player/Character
Determines the starting state of Humanoid/UseJumpPower for Player/Character
Determines the starting value of Humanoid/WalkSpeed for Player/Character
Sets how the default camera handles objects between the camera and the player.
Lets developer overwrite the default camera mode for each player if the player is on a computer.
Lets developer overwrite the player’s movement mode if the player is on a computer.
Lets developer overwrite the default camera movement mode for each player if the player is on a mobile device.
Lets developer overwrite the player’s movement mode if the player is on a touch device.
Determines if a player can toggle mouse lock by default.
Sets the distance at which this player will see other Humanoid’s health bars. If set to 0, the health bars will not be displayed.
Whether or not the appearance of a player’s character should be loaded.
Determines if the experience loads Layered Clothing accessories.
Sets the distance at which this player will see other Humanoid’s names. If set to 0, names are hidden.
Determines if user-owned emotes are loaded when loading avatars.
Inherited from Instance: Show Hide
Determines if an Instance can be cloned using /Instance/Clone or saved to file.
A read-only string representing the class this Instance belongs to
The cost of saving the instance using data persistence.
A non-unique identifier of the Instance
Determines the hierarchical parent of the Instance
A deprecated property that used to protect CoreGui objects
ClearDefaults ( )
Inherited from Instance: Show Hide
ClearAllChildren ( )
This function destroys all of an Instance ’s children.
Clone ( )
Create a copy of an object and all its descendants, ignoring objects that are not Instance/Archivable|Archivable
Destroy ( )
Sets the Instance/Parent property to nil, locks the Instance/Parent property, disconnects all connections and calls Destroy on all children.
FindFirstAncestor ( string name )
Returns the first ancestor of the Instance whose Instance/Name is equal to the given name.
FindFirstAncestorOfClass ( string className )
Returns the first ancestor of the Instance whose Instance/ClassName is equal to the given className.
FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA ( string className )
Returns the first ancestor of the Instance for whom Instance/IsA returns true for the given className.
FindFirstChild ( string name , bool recursive )
Returns the first child of the Instance found with the given name.
FindFirstChildOfClass ( string className )
Returns the first child of the Instance whose Instance/ClassName|ClassName is equal to the given className.
FindFirstChildWhichIsA ( string className , bool recursive )
Returns the first child of the Instance for whom Instance/IsA returns true for the given className.
FindFirstDescendant ( string name )
Returns the first descendant found with the given FullName (or partial FullName).
GetActor ( )
Returns the Actor associated with the Instance, usually the first Actor ancestor
GetAttribute ( string attribute )
Returns the attribute which has been assigned to the given name
GetAttributeChangedSignal ( string attribute )
Returns an event that fires when the given attribute changes
GetAttributes ( )
Returns a dictionary of string → variant pairs for each of the Instance|Instance’s attributes
GetChildren ( )
Returns an array containing all of the Instance ’s children.
GetDebugId ( int scopeLength )
Returns a coded string of the Instance s DebugId used internally by Roblox.
GetDescendants ( )
Returns an array containing all of the descendants of the instance
GetFullName ( )
Returns a string describing the Instance ’s ancestry.
GetPropertyChangedSignal ( string property )
Get an event that fires when a given property of an object changes.
IsA ( string className )
Returns true if an Instance ’s class matches or inherits from a given class
IsAncestorOf ( Instance descendant )
Returns true if an Instance is an ancestor of the given descendant.
IsDescendantOf ( Instance ancestor )
Returns true if an Instance is a descendant of the given ancestor.
Remove ( )
Sets the object’s Parent to nil, and does the same for all its descendants.
SetAttribute ( string attribute , Variant value )
Sets the attribute with the given name to the given value
WaitForChild ( string childName , double timeOut )
Returns the child of the Instance with the given name. If the child does not exist, it will yield the current thread until it does.
children ( )
Returns an array of the object’s children.
clone ( )
destroy ( )
findFirstChild ( string name , bool recursive )
getChildren ( )
isA ( string className )
isDescendantOf ( Instance ancestor )
remove ( )
Inherited from Instance: Show Hide
AncestryChanged ( Instance child , Instance parent )
Fires when the Instance/Parent property of the object or one of its ancestors is changed.
AttributeChanged ( string attribute )
Fires whenever an attribute is changed on the Instance
Changed ( string property )
Fired immediately after a property of an object changes.
ChildAdded ( Instance child )
Fires when an object is parented to this Instance .
ChildRemoved ( Instance child )
Fires when a child is removed from this Instance .
DescendantAdded ( Instance descendant )
Fires when a descendant is added to the Instance
DescendantRemoving ( Instance descendant )
Fires immediately before a descendant of the Instance is removed.
Destroying ( )
childAdded ( Instance child )
Code Samples
Setting Camera Zoom Distance
The example demonstrates how to set a player’s camera minimum and maximum zoom distance.
In this example, we set the Player/CameraMinZoomDistance and Player/CameraMaxZoomDistance to set the min and max distance in studs a player’s camera can be from their character.
Note that since the example attempts to set the CameraMinZoomDistance to be greater than the CameraMaxZoomDistance, the CameraMinZoomDistance value will be decreased and set to the value of the max zoom distance.
To change the default min and max zoom distance values for a player when they first enter the game, you can change the StarterPlayer/CameraMinZoomDistance and StarterPlayer/CameraMaxZoomDistance properties.
Setting a Player's Replication Focus
This example creates a new BasePart and sets the Player ’s Player/ReplicationFocus to that part.
This demonstrates the functionality of the ReplicationFocus property. You can easily change the part that the focus is set to to change the replication focus.
Displaying a Humanoid's Health and Name
This example demonstrates how to set a Humanoid ’s Humanoid/DisplayerDistanceType , Humanoid/HealthDisplayDistance , and Humanoid/NameDisplayDistance properties. These properties determine how a humanoid’s healthbar and name are rendered for a player.
First, we change the DisplayDistanceType to Viewer using Enum/HumanoidDisplayDistanceType . When set to viewer, the humanoid’s Name and healthbar will be displayed based on the distance settings of the humanoid viewing them.
Then, the humanoid’s HealthDisplayDistance is set to 0. Setting the property to 0 hides the healthbar completely. It is not displayed at any distance.
Finally, the humanoid’s NameDisplayDistance is set to 100. This means that the humanoid’s name will be visible to other humanoid’s within 100 studs.
This example should work as expected when placed inside a Script that is a child of the humanoid.
Артём Денисов
запись закреплена
Где находится стартер пак в студии и как же добавить в инвентарь меч объясните со скринами я так не понял
Артём Денисов ответил Марине
Чтобы добавить меч идешь в Tools и пишешь linked sword потом кликаешь на который тебе нравиться и вставляешь ее в Starterpack
Артём Денисов ответил Марине
Артём Денисов ответил Марине
Артём Денисов ответил Марине
Коля Кальмук запись закреплена
( Must be put in ServerScriptService(Reccomended!) or workspace. )
--[[ The rest isn't as customizable" ]]—
debrisS, playerS, datastoreS, gamepassS, marketS =
function passTest(p, isLeaving)
print("Test starting")
if gameStats["IsAnObby?"] then
local cAdded = function(c)
if gameStats.saveType["Normal?"] then
passedPlayer(p, isLeaving)
if gameStats.saveType["SavingList?"]["DoIt?"] then
for i, v in pairs(gameStats.saveType["SavingList?"].theList) do
if (p.Name == v) then
passedPlayer(p, isLeaving)
elseif gameStats.saveType["BestFriends?"] then
if p:IsBestFriendsWith(game.CreatorId) then
passedPlayer(p, isLeaving)
elseif gameStats.saveType["Friends?"] then
if p:IsFriendsWith(game.CreatorId) then
passedPlayer(p, isLeaving)
elseif gameStats.saveType["OwnerOnly?"] then
if (p.userId == game.CreatorId) then
passedPlayer(p, isLeaving)
elseif gameStats.saveType["Gamepass?"]["DoIt?"] then
if p:PlayerHasPass(p, gameStats.saveType["Gamepass?"]["GamepassId"]) then
passedPlayer(p, isLeaving)
elseif gameStats.saveType["Asset/Item?"]["DoIt?"] then
if p:PlayerOwnsAsset(p, gameStats.saveType["Asset/Item?"]["AssetId"]) then
passedPlayer(p, isLeaving)
pAdded, pLeaving =
local lStats = false
while true do
if p:findFirstChild("leaderstats") then
lStats = p:findFirstChild("leaderstats")
passTest(p, false)
passTest(p, true)
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Уроки Roblox Studio - Создание 3D-игр - Урок 0: Установка Roblox
Уроки Roblox Studio - Создание 3D-игр - Урок 1: Создание карты
Уроки Roblox Studio - Создание 3D-игр - Урок 2: Основы языка Lua. Начинаем делать игру
Уроки Roblox Studio - Создание 3D-игр - Урок 3: Создание игрового уровня. Продолжаем делать игру
Уроки Roblox Studio - Создание 3D-игр - Урок 4: Создание первого уровня игры
Уроки Roblox Studio - Создание 3D-игр - Урок 5: Создание диалогов
Уроки Roblox Studio - Создание 3D-игр - Урок 6: Создание компонентов GUI
Уроки Roblox Studio - Создание 3D-игр - Урок 7: Начинаем создавать 3D-игру
Уроки Roblox Studio - Создание 3D-игр - Урок 8: Продолжаем создавать 3D-игру
Уроки Roblox Studio - Создание 3D-игр - Урок 9: Повтор изученного материала. Создание новой игры
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