Как установить шрифт либерейшен шериф
Шрифт Liberation Serif с начертанием Bold относится к семейству Liberation. Примеры шрифта Liberation Serif Bold можно посмотреть на AZFonts. Дизайнеры шрифта: Red Hat. Издатель — Ascender Corporation. Дата выхода — 2007 год. Liberation Serif Bold поддерживает следующие языки: Английский, Болгарский, Греческий, Итальянский, Мальтийский, Немецкий, Польский, Русский, Турецкий, Украинский, Французский, Хорватский.
- Начертание: Bold
- Год: 2007
- Семейство: Liberation
- Лицензия: Бесплатный для коммерческого использования
- Дизайнер: Red Hat
- Издатель: Ascender Corporation
- Поддерживаемые языки: Английский, Болгарский, Греческий, Итальянский, Мальтийский, Немецкий, Польский, Русский, Турецкий, Украинский, Французский, Хорватский
- Поддерживаемые алфавиты: Английский алфавит, Белорусский алфавит, Болгарский алфавит, Венгерский алфавит, Греческий алфавит, Испанский алфавит, Итальянский алфавит, Китайский алфавит пиньинь, Латинский алфавит, Польский алфавит, Русский алфавит, Турецкий алфавит, Украинский алфавит, Французский алфавит, Чешский алфавит, Эсперанто алфавит
Правовые сведения
Digitized data © 2007 Ascender Corporation. All rights reserved.
Торговая марка
Liberation is a trademark of Red Hat, Inc. registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and certain other jurisdictions.
This agreement governs the use of the Software and any updates to the Software, regardless of the delivery mechanism. Subject to the following terms, Red Hat, Inc. ("Red Hat") grants to the user ("Client") a license to this work pursuant to the GNU General Public License v.2 with the exceptions set forth below and such other terms as are set forth in this End User License Agreement.
1. The Software and License Exception. LIBERATION font software (the "Software") consists of TrueType-OpenType formatted font software for rendering LIBERATION typefaces in sans-serif, serif, and monospaced character styles. You are licensed to use, modify, copy, and distribute the Software pursuant to the GNU General Public License v.2 with the following exceptions:
(a) As a special exception, if you create a document which uses this font, and embed this font or unaltered portions of this font into the document, this font does not by itself cause the resulting document to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the document might be covered by the GNU General Public License. If you modify this font, you may extend this exception to your version of the font, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version.
(b) As a further exception, any distribution of the object code of the Software in a physical product must provide you the right to access and modify the source code for the Software and to reinstall that modified version of the Software in object code form on the same physical product on which you received it.
2. Intellectual Property Rights. The Software and each of its components, including the source code, documentation, appearance, structure and organization are owned by Red Hat and others and are protected under copyright and other laws. Title to the Software and any component, or to any copy, modification, or merged portion shall remain with the aforementioned, subject to the applicable license. The "LIBERATION" trademark is a trademark of Red Hat, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. This agreement does not permit Client to distribute modified versions of the Software using Red Hat's trademarks. If Client makes a redistribution of a modified version of the Software, then Client must modify the files names to remove any reference to the Red Hat trademarks and must not use the Red Hat trademarks in any way to reference or promote the modified Software.
3. Limited Warranty. To the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, the Software is provided and licensed "as is" without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement or fitness for a particular purpose. Red Hat does not warrant that the functions contained in the Software will meet Client's requirements or that the operation of the Software will be entirely error free or appear precisely as described in the accompanying documentation.
4. Limitation of Remedies and Liability. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Red Hat or any Red Hat authorized dealer will not be liable to Client for any incidental or consequential damages, including lost profits or lost savings arising out of the use or inability to use the Software, even if Red Hat or such dealer has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
5. General. If any provision of this agreement is held to be unenforceable, that shall not affect the enforceability of the remaining provisions. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of North Carolina and of the United States, without regard to any conflict of laws provisions, except that the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods shall not apply.
Copyright © 2007 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. LIBERATION is a trademark of Red Hat, Inc.
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- Liberation Serif Bold
- personal use
- 2015-05-07 03:38:16
- 6220
- 796
- Liberation Serif Bold Italic
- personal use
- 2015-05-07 03:38:16
- 4645
- 506
- Liberation Serif Italic
- personal use
- 2015-05-07 03:38:16
- 4416
- 487
- Liberation Serif Regular
- personal use
- 2015-05-07 03:38:16
- 4140
- 472
- Luzern
- 2015-05-07 07:30:01
- 15112
- 1680
- Constantine
- commercial and personal use
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- 10267
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- Barkentina 1
- personal use
- 2015-05-05 20:50:56
- 9736
- 1035
- Caslon CP
- commercial and personal use
- 2015-05-06 12:49:20
- 9601
- 890
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База Fontsup обновляется ежедневно, мы стараемся следить за последними тенденциями. Шрифты для Фотошопа, Тату, Word, и Windows. Русские шрифты, с поддержкой кириллицы. Скачивай красивые шрифты бесплатно.
Liberation Serif Regular
Digitized data `2007 Ascender Corporation. All rights reserved.
FontForge 2.0 : Liberation Serif Regular : 12-1-2009
Полное название шрифта:
Liberation Serif Regular
Liberation is a trademark of Red Hat, Inc. registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and certain other jurisdictions.
Use of this Liberation font software is subject to the license agreement under which you accepted the Liberation font software.
Liberation Serif Regular
Вы можете скачать шрифт Liberation Serif абсолютно бесплатно, без регистрации. Начертание шрифта Regular. Изготовителем шрифта является Liberation is a trademark of Red Hat, Inc. registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and certain other jurisdictions.. Дизайнер - Steve Matteson. Шрифт размещен автором в открытом доступе и может применяться бесплатно в любых целях. Однако, если вы собираетесь использовать данную гарнитуру в коммерческих целях, и сомневаетесь в правах на использование, - рекомендуем связаться с автором и уточнить тип лицензии.
Шрифт принадлежит к категориям: Дизайнерские шрифты
Размер файла - 142.89 KB.
vslobanova 13.03.2019
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