Подключение outlook к lotus
Что есть:
1)Есть Аутлук, в нем настроена подпись писем, которая содержит рисунок.
2)Есть база лотуса. В форме документа есть Hotspot. При клике на хотспот должен открываться Аутлук с частично заполненными полями.
Проблема в следующем:
При клике на хотспот в документе, открывается новое письмо в атлуке с заполненными полями (значения полей забиваются в лотусе и передаются в аутлук). Здесь всей окей. НО . не проставляется подпись, которая настроена в аутлуке.
Можете кто-нибудь подсказать как решить эту проблему?
Заранее спасибо.
Календари Lotus и Outlook
Есть заказчик, у него везде стоит Outlook, у них там и почта и календарь. Есть база на Лотусе, где.
При запросе в Lotus через Com, после 245 Search, Lotus падает
Проблема в следующем, надо написать стороннюю программу на Net, которая бы вытаскивала почтовый.
СЭД на Lotus за и против или стоит ли внедрять документооборот на Lotus?
Здравствуйте, озадачился заменой устаревшей СЭД (ДоксВижн) на новую. Рассматриваем.
Tomcat и Lotus, такое ощущение что не находит lotus.jar. Как с этим бороться.
Всем доброго дня! Осуществляем взаимодействие по технологии SOAP, используя Tomcat. Выдает.
От зачем такой кракадил?
Что для этого используется, КОМ? Тогда надо искать метод, который вставляет подпись, такой вероятно существует. Либо должен быть метод, который создает письмо по шаблону с подписью.
Это уже надо к разработчикам офиса с такими вопросами.
Set doc =ws.CurrentDocument.Document
Dim objOL As Variant
Создаем новый объект
Dim objMail As Variant
Dim eadres As String для эл. адреса
On Error Resume Next
Пытаемся получить приложение, если оно запущено
Set objOL = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
Если не запущено, тогда создаем новый экземпляр
If Err <> 0 Then
Set objOL = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
End If
присваиваем значение
Set objMail = objOL.CreateItem(olMailItem)
eadres = Strconv(doc.FIO(0), SC_ProperCase) +" "
With objMail
.To = eadres
Адрес получателя
.Subject = "Письмо для Дяди Вани."
Тема письма
.Body = "Здравствуйте " & "Очень по вам соскучился !"
текст письма с примером использования выгрузки данных из Excel
Активируем окно
.send - отправка письма без подтверждений!
End With
Уничтажаем все сылки на объект
Set objMail = Nothyng
Set objOL = Nothyng
Client (a) has a Lotus Notes email account on an internal network with company (a), client (a) also has an Exchange email account wth company (b) which is on a remote server. Client (a) recently became unattached from company (a)'s internal network and is now on an external network but still needs to access their email from the Lotus Notes server located on company (a)'s internal network.
We would like to configure their Outlook client to work with the Lotus Notes Server as it does with our Exchange Server however we have limited experience with Lotus Notes. Is something like this possible? Thanks in advance!
IBM provides a connector for doing this, called DAMO - Domino Access for Microsoft Outlook. It's available on the IBM website.
Here are the steps how to connect Outlook 2010 to Lotus Notes Server.
* Your Lotus Domino server name (I found this in Lotus Notes 8 by looking in File->Locations->Manage Locations->Edit->Servers); and
Все ответы
IBM provides a connector for doing this, called DAMO - Domino Access for Microsoft Outlook. It's available on the IBM website.
Here are the steps how to connect Outlook 2010 to Lotus Notes Server.
* Your Lotus Domino server name (I found this in Lotus Notes 8 by looking in File->Locations->Manage Locations->Edit->Servers); and
The Domino Access for Microsoft Outlook can be found here though you need a username and password to download the file. I just sent an email to that person's IT department with your advice Jennifer; I will post the results when they become available, thanks for the help!
Hi mzymblo and Jennifer:
I am trying to connect my enterprise Lotus Notes to an Outlook 2007, and I am actually following the steps but when I enter my username and server (looking for them where Jennifer has said and finding both of them), the wizard says "User name not found in Domino Directory". Can any of you help me, please? I've been trying to get this off the ground for so long. I'm actually bored of it!
When it prompts you for your user name, enter your name the way it appears in a Notes email. For example, if people email you by typing in "John Doe", enter that.
Your email address might be "[email protected]" or "[email protected]" but the application is looking for your name the way it appears in the directory.
Another option is to look at your name when you log in. It Might be John Doe/Company/US or something similar. There are other areas in Notes that have your directory name but I can't recall them all; try looking in preferecnes and mail settings.
I hope this helps! :D
Well friends, pardon me for asking the following:
Can you share with me which version of DAMO you downloaded to work with Office 2010?
Forgot asking this : Is it essential to enable POP protocol on Domino Server to configure Outlook 2010 as client as mentioned in this thread?
I have installed DAMO 8.0.2 IF6 and works perfectly fine with my Outlook 2010 Standard !
This process hasn't worked for me using either Outlook 2007 or Outlook 2010. In both cases, I get thru 90% of the process and it says "the attempted operation failed, an object could not be found" when I try to replicate (send/receive). Any thoughts on how to get past this?
I'm having a problem with Outlook 2010 : it only replicates in one way : Lotus to Outlook.
When I receive a mail, it comes in Outlook without any pb. I can reply / send / delete / move to folder etc. but it doesn't replicate the changes in my Lotus Notes box.
I have the same pb with the calendar.
Can anyone help me ?
I had no pb installing and configuring but that's all. I'm using the latest version of the DAMO 8.02 Fix6.
I tried on an Outlook 2007 and it works well.
Thanks for your help
I'm having a problem with Outlook 2010 : it only replicates in one way : Lotus to Outlook.
When I receive a mail, it comes in Outlook without any pb. I can reply / send / delete / move to folder etc. but it doesn't replicate the changes in my Lotus Notes box.
I have the same pb with the calendar.
Can anyone help me ?
It's a bug, there has been no fix yet. You need to deal with that. The only work around would be, move your mails to PST, close outlook, connect lotus notes and delete redundant mails and start using outlook again.
Press any key. What the . Where's any key ?
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DAMO 8.0.2 is in Tech Preview 2 right now. It seems to be stable, working with Outlook 2007 and Vista.
Good luck with your requests.
Does anyone know where I can download DAMO 7.0.3 from? I can be another version, if nobody know this one.
I have just update my notes to Domino Web Access Versão 7.0.3 and I still have MS Outlook 2007.
Can someone please direct me in the appropriate direction. We recently got migrated from exchange 2003 to lotus 6.5. i know, it sucks. I want to use Outook and my front end, but can't seem to find a download for this DAMO, tool. Can anyone link, or point me in the right direction?
I feel your pain, brother.
Microsoft makes a tool called the Outlook Connector, but I was never able to use it reliably. It seems to be designed for an office where everyone is using Outlook as the front end and a Domino server on the back end. Many of the email formatting and calendar management incompatibilities between Outlook and Notes clients caused my messages and appointments to become distorted.
DAMO seems to be the least buggy way to use Outlook in a mixed environment. Like you, I was flummoxed that I couldn't find a download link anywhere on IBM's website (you know how stingy they can be). Supposedly, it's included with the Domino Server CDs. So you may have to buddy up to you Notes admin to get a copy.
Do you know whether the Outlook Connector by Microsoft works with Lotus Domino 7.0? What version of Outlook does it supports?
The Microsoft connector works with Outlook 2002/2003. It'll work with Domino 7, but it has some limitations. I think you'll get the best results if everyone in your organization uses the Outlook client. I ran into problems, particularly with meetings, because just about everyone else in my office uses the Notes client. Since I couldn't convince my colleagues to switch over to Outlook (yet), I had to uninstall it.
I've found better success in a mixed environment using DAMO, which is an IBM connector. Currently, there's a beta for the Notes 8.0.2 client, which includes a version of DAMO that works with Outlook 2007. Basically, it creates an Outlook profile, and continually replicates the Notes mailfile to provide seamless access through Outlook. I don't think Microsoft makes anything comparable, particularly for Outlook 2007. That said, the DAMO connector is far from perfect. In particular, I've found that it doesn't work well with some inline images, HTML/Notes RTF conversion, and it consistently causes DEP issues with the Vista search index. But, I'd still give it 8/10. It's usable, and anything is better than the Notes 7 client.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!
So having you say that, it does work for the Outlook Connector to connect to IBM Lotus Domino 7 but with limitation in mixed environment. But does it have any support of outlook connector that works with Microsoft Office Outlook 2007.
Anyway thanks alot for the reply.
Try Domino Access for Microsoft Outlook: I tested the version included in Domino 8 evaluation, it works between Outlook 2007 and Domino 5, on XP. Didn't try on Vista.
Do you have a link to instructions or anything related to this? I installed the DAMO using the Domino 8 evaluation, and it did not appear to do anything. I can't find how or where to set up the actual link between Outlook 2007 and our Domino 5 server.
From there, DAMO builds a MAPI profile for your connection, and generates an initial push of all your Notes data to an Outlook PST file. Depending on the size of your mailfile, this could take quite a while. When it's finished, DAMO shuts down and prompts you to start Outlook. Voila, you should see your Notes mail.
A couple of other pointers:
By default, Outlook only checks for new mail every 30 minutes. You'll most certainly want to change this to 5 min or less (it's Tools > Options in the main Outlook window).
Open the address book, and tell Outlook to check names using the Domino Address Book before your local contacts (it's Tools > Options in the Address Book window).
Be careful about copying and pasting inline images when sending messages to Notes users. Apparently, Outlook uses PNG to embed images (which is logical, cause PNG rocks), but some Notes clients can't handle it. Instead, you'll need to save any images you want to embed and insert them using the Outlook ribbon, so that you can control which file format Outlook uses (JPG, GIF, BMP, etc.).
Whenever possible, use the HTML message format. Outlook RTF is not the same as Notes RTF, and there can be issues with the translation. HTML is more likely to look like you expect. Note this is not an issue when sending to non-Notes users, nor when receiving RTF messages, as Outlook seems to be able to handle the variance without any problems.
I have noticed that some inline images from Notes users are scrambled when viewed in Outlook. However, I can always open Notes and read them just fine.
DAMO seems to cause DEP issues with the Windows Search Index Protocol Host. It doesn't necessarily break anything in Outlook, Notes, or Vista, but it's annoying as *** to get the DEP error balloon every time I send or receive an email. Disabiling indexing seems to fix the issue, but then you lose out on Windows Search.
Please let me know if you have any other questions, or if you'd like to know who to contact at IBM to become part of the beta. Thanks!
Can someone help me how to get the DAMO software, I downloaded Domino and could not find the software as instructed.
I downloaded Lotus Notes v8.x also and its an auto-install .exe file. I don't want to install Notes v8 because its just a trial and I have a licensed Notes v7 installed. Does anyone know the exact name of the DAMO installer? Is the DAMO installer for sure placed in the Notes program files directory somewhere as part of the Notes install? Is there any way to download the DAMO v8 installer directly from somewhere?
I downloaded the Lotus Domino 8 Eval, and unchecked everything except the DAMO install. When it is finished I go to Control Panel | Mail and there is a new entry under Data File and Account, both related to Lotus. However, when I click them I get an error code message.
When I open outlook I also get an error message complaining about nwnsp.dll not being available or misconfigured. I checked the mapisvc.inf and it looks correct.
There is no domino/data folder at all using the previously supplied instructions, and therefore no setup.exe.
DAMO can be downloaded using the following steps:
1. Access Fix Central:
2. Choose "Lotus" for Product Family.
3. Choose "Lotus Domino Access for Microsoft Outlook" for Product.
4. For Installed Version, choose "All". Typically, only the latest Special Build will be available.
5. Choose "All" for platform. DAMO only runs in a Windows environment.
6. Click "Continue".
7. Click "Continue" on the Identify Fixes page.
8. From the Select Fixes and Download Method page, review the available information and choose the file to download.
9. Click "Continue".
10. At the link included in the sentence “To download the fixes below, sign in using your IBM ID and password”. Note: (make sure to enter your IBM ID not your Passport Advantage ID).
a. If you do not have an IBM ID, click the “Entitlement help” link.
b. If you have not previously done so, clicking the “Entitlement help” link and following the instructions will link your IBM ID with your Passport Advantage entitlement based on your Passport Advantage Site Number
The only issue I have had with the Outlook 2003 Connector for Lotus Notes is that, in order for my managers to read my emails on there blackberries I have to send my emails via plain text.
Apparently it is a known issue, and will not be fixed, since the DAMO is now out for Outlook 2007
RIM stated that this "When receiving internal email from an Outlook connector/Domino server user, the BlackBerry does not receive the body of the email. Upon investigation, it was determined that the root cause of this issue is the Domino R7 Notes API which is unable to handle body fields from the Outlook connector"
Other then that the Outlook Connector has been great, I really like the database features in notes, and wish I could move that over into outlook, Groove connector for lotus notes Databases.
Before installing the Notes Connector, check that you do not have any installed hot fixes or service packs for Office 2003 installed. You can do this by checking the Add/Remove Programs (in the Control Panel) and checking the box for Show updates (if it is present in your A/RP) If update KB892843 is installed, remove it. If any service pack is installed, you need to remove the whole Office installation and reinstall it.
It seems like the update KB892843 doesn’t allow the Notes Connector to install properly for some reason and if you do uninstall the updates, you will see the following error message:
“Unable to open your default e-mail folders. The server is not available. Contact your administrator if this condition persists”
Oh, and if you do not have Lotus Notes installed from before, you really need to install it before installing the Notes Connector.
Подскажите пожалуста как Outlook можно прекрутить к Domino серверу, нужна полная синхронизация почтовой базы, адресной книги сервера и локальной книги Outlook
Почту из базы можно синхронизировать, а вот как календарь.
Посоветовали подняк сервак MS Exchenge, типа там есть Domino Connections, ну и эксперименты проводить, но ради одного пользюка юзать сервер не резон imho
Синхронизация Domino и Exchange
Может конечно и бред, но есть подобная задача с далеко вытекающими последствиями. Надо.
Domino + Outlook Express
Доброго времени суток. Lotus Domino server версия 5 , поднят POP3 SMPT. Домен один и только.
Перенос и синхронизация контактов Domino SameTime
Всем доброго времени суток! Была поставлена такая задача: Есть крупная организация, со.
Outlook Express и Lotus Domino
Добрый день! Ответа в поиске не нашёл потому извиняюсь за возможный повтор. Суть следующая: есть.
юзайте Domino Access for Microsoft Outlook он может практически фсе ;)
за вами не поспеешь :(
Спасибо, я сам уже все нашел
Двумя способами аж.
1. Описан выше (от IBM)
2. Outlook connector (от Microsoft)
Второй способ вообще базу с сервака берет, локально ее не стягивает, т.е в реальном времени все, как полноценный лотусовый клиент(всмысле почты) :(
Что ты имеешь ввиду? DAMO тоже так же работает. Локальную реплику он создает только, если ты хочешь работать в офлайне.
По функциональности оба решения очень похожи. Иногда, когда непонятно из-за чего лотусовый вариант не проходил, работало майкрософтовское решение. Но, на мой взгляд, лотусовое решение лучше, так как как оно постоянно обновляется и расширяется функциональность.
Что ты имеешь ввиду? DAMO тоже так же работает. Локальную реплику он создает только, если ты хочешь работать в офлайне.
По функциональности оба решения очень похожи. Иногда, когда непонятно из-за чего лотусовый вариант не проходил, работало майкрософтовское решение. Но, на мой взгляд, лотусовое решение лучше, так как как оно постоянно обновляется и расширяется функциональность.
Да меня вобщем то не спрашивал никто хочу я работать в оффлайн или нет, софтина(всмысле DAMO) стянула базу с сервака и все. А так разницы вообще не заметил
Дружба и единение IBM и Microsoft :(
Добрый день!
Ответа в поиске не нашёл потому извиняюсь за возможный повтор.
Суть следующая: есть сервер Lotus Domino 8.5.1 и стандартный почтовый клиент Оutlook Express. Требуется отправка/прием подписанной/зашифрованной ГОСТовым ключом на внешний адрес. MS Outlook из состава офиса не подходит. Также возможен клиент The Bat. Ну и собственно вопрос: можно ли настроить отправку прием почты через клиента Outlook EXpress? Как?
Lotus Domino Express
C официального сайта IBM/Lotus: .
Domino + Outlook Express
Доброго времени суток. Lotus Domino server версия 5 , поднят POP3 SMPT. Домен один и только.
Синхронизация Outlook Express и Lotus
Подскажите какие существуют варианты(стандартные и нет) синхронизации данных личного журнала.
Ibm Lotus Quickr Services For Lotus Domino Windows
Вот нашел в сети. Может кому надо. IBM Lotus Quickr services for Lotus Domino Windows
Это в смысле S/MIME?
Обычно есть 3 варианта получения: Domino Access for Microsoft Outlook (DAMO), IMAP и POP.
Ну а отправка уже SMTP, как обычно.
Ну и сервер, конечно, надо подстроить: порты, доступ и сервернные процессы.
Порты POP3 и SMTP в состоянии Enable. Телнет на 25 порт проходит, а на 110 нет. и при попытке подключиться со стороны Outlook выдаётся характерная ошибка сокета. netstat -a на сервере не показал порта 110 вообще. В чем может быть проблема?
Доброе утро!
Задача была на самом деле не запущена. load POP3 решило проблему с получением.
Теперь с отправкой неувязка.
В Outlook при отправке на внешний ящик (mail.ru) пишет ошибку "554 Relay rejected for policy reasons"
В консоли сервера: Relay rejected for policy reasons. Relays to recipients domain denied in your configuration.
Ограничений не нашёл.
Подскажете чего?
Спасибо большое за ответы!
Проблему решил!
"Нарисовалась" проблема следующего характера.
С поставку ПО для внедрения ГОСТового шифрования входят nsf файлы - шаблоны, по которым необходимо создать рабочие БД для дальнейшей настройки. По инструкциям по установке эти файлы д. б. размещены в отдельной папке, сервер перезапущен, nsf подписаны (Sign. ) и так далее. Но при попытке подписать в консоль пишется access denied ("You are not authorized to perform thys operation") хотя действие выполняется под учеткой Админа. Попытка посмотреть ACL приводит к тому же результату. Папка и файлы доступны для записи.
Стоит обратится к поставщику или всё же есть вариант решить самому?
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