Прошить магнитолу junsun v1
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Firmware for Junsun V2 pro:
Senior Member
According to my seller an UI 3 is on the way.
Senior Member
Senior Member
Senior Member
Don't know, they've just sent it to me and will install it today. Haven't done this yet so will see what will happen.
Installed it yesterday, no problems. Junsun v1 4/64
All non-factory apps are gone, radio settings and etc but this was expected.
Fonts are smaller, may be the resolution is bit bigger but Waze is looking better.
The launcher is funky and not much usable. Why animation with car moving would be needed when you drive a car.
Auto start apps are working now and I'm just starting Waze and Floating Clock at start. So far everything is stable.
Senior Member
Installed it yesterday, no problems. Junsun v1 4/64
All non-factory apps are gone, radio settings and etc but this was expected.
Fonts are smaller, may be the resolution is bit bigger but Waze is looking better.
The launcher is funky and not much usable. Why animation with car moving would be needed when you drive a car.
Auto start apps are working now and I'm just starting Waze and Floating Clock at start. So far everything is stable.
Is the status bar visible on top of installed apps or is it still just visible on top of factory apps?
What do you mean with autostart? Restart last used app or is there an additional option in settings?
Thanks for your answers in advance.
The status bar is not visible in Waze so I use Floating clock app to see the current time. I've tried few auto start apps from the store and they did not worked, with the new firmware it worked once when I've posted but not anymore I just want to autostart Waze and Floating Clock, not too much I can take some shots tomorrow.
Senior Member
The status bar is not visible in Waze so I use Floating clock app to see the current time. I've tried few auto start apps from the store and they did not worked, with the new firmware it worked once when I've posted but not anymore I just want to autostart Waze and Floating Clock, not too much I can take some shots tomorrow.
For the autostart you could set FlowStarter.apk as navigation software in the head units settings. In factory settings (code 8878, section Others) is an option available to autostart navigation software.
FlowStarter.apk can start Automate flows. And you could create a simple flow which starts all apps you need.
Саша Корлыханов
Олег Приходько
Привет можешь скинуть scatter на эту модель ато здесь на Яндекс диске скатер на mt6737м а ты на магнитолу загружал mt3561s заранее спасибо ! Писал китайцы они морозит не отвечают!
SERVICEMAN , вот прошивка которую ты скинул на канале ! Вставляю этот скатер вот что выходит! Не могу понять почему так! Подскажи пожалуйста в чём может быть проблема!!
Магнитола включаю только после того как подключил scatter и включил старт ! Я разбирал магнитолу там процессор mt3561s!
Здравствуйте, подскажите пожалуйста данная прошивка пойдёт на модель 1гб/16гб, junsun фирмы, у меня иногда она сама переключает каналы на радио, выходит в блютуз, вообщем ощущение будто приехала с китайцем внутри.
SERVICEMAN , здравствуйте можете подсказать эту магнитолу можно прошить если нету микра юизби .1гб/16гб junsun , WF
О Великий, Бог и Гуру этих устройств. Меняю уже третий аппарат в машине. Просто не могу без них ездить у меня точно такая же проблема как на видео. Первый раз решил сделать все сам, скачал программу для перепрошивке. Но что-то выходит не так. Вроде все скачал из яндекс диска но прошивка не открывается и при вводе пишет не ту модель процессора. Помоги
Hello guys, i get new firmware for Junsun V1 PRO 2GB+32GB WIFI - CPU MT8227L from junsun support.
USB disk must be FAT32! If youre using big size disk (more then 32GB) use any program for format FAT32.
FAT32 format program link: Guiformat
Firmware link: UI3 V1 PRO
New member
Hello guys, i get new firmware for Junsun V1 PRO 2GB+32GB WIFI - CPU MT8227L from junsun support.
USB disk must be FAT32! If youre using big size disk (more then 32GB) use any program for format FAT32.
FAT32 format program link: Guiformat
Firmware link: UI3 V1 PRO
I saw somewhere that by installing the new UI that we would lose access to the pre-installed maps. Is that true?
If yes, is there any way to keep the maps and gps?
Senior Member
I saw somewhere that by installing the new UI that we would lose access to the pre-installed maps. Is that true?
If yes, is there any way to keep the maps and gps?
Just ask your seller. He will provide the links to download the navigation app and several GB with the maps.
On the other side: who wants to use the pirated navigation software?!
I asked the publisher of the GPS app if they know what Junsun is doing there. His answer was that they don't have a contract with Junsun and it's pirated software.
Its works well, i also have link from junsun for 2020q4 maps with install apps if you need.
New member
Thanks for sharing the update files, and the precious informations !
I tried to update my head unit by asking the support for the update files, but they gave me some files from Dec-2020 ! (updated anyway, and now I have an issue with google play : I'm unable to login, the login button being unresponsive . )
So I m looking for a new (and possibly more recent) firmware
I downloaded yours, but there's a 0 octet file (the .upd file)
Could you please share it again ? I'd be awesome !
Thanks, and have a nice day !
Thanks for sharing the update files, and the precious informations !
I tried to update my head unit by asking the support for the update files, but they gave me some files from Dec-2020 ! (updated anyway, and now I have an issue with google play : I'm unable to login, the login button being unresponsive . )
So I m looking for a new (and possibly more recent) firmware
I downloaded yours, but there's a 0 octet file (the .upd file)
Could you please share it again ? I'd be awesome !
Thanks, and have a nice day !
New member
Hi Volkmi,
Thanks for the super fast answer !
I bought last month the Junsun V1 Pro 6+128G (with the support for peugeot 508) , I was curious to see in the .zip you shared what looked like a timestamp of Aug 2021, but in the file sent by the support it s Dec 2020.
I asked them if it was the latest FW, they answered "I am sending you the latest firmware", but without link .
I translated that in "I _sent_ you the latest firmware
To be honest, I didn't try your files, seeing the 0 octet .upd file, I jumped to the conclusion that the file was not uploaded correctly !
I'll try after work !
Thanks again
Hi Volkmi,
Thanks for the super fast answer !
I bought last month the Junsun V1 Pro 6+128G (with the support for peugeot 508) , I was curious to see in the .zip you shared what looked like a timestamp of Aug 2021, but in the file sent by the support it s Dec 2020.
I asked them if it was the latest FW, they answered "I am sending you the latest firmware", but without link .
I translated that in "I _sent_ you the latest firmware
To be honest, I didn't try your files, seeing the 0 octet .upd file, I jumped to the conclusion that the file was not uploaded correctly !
I'll try after work !
Thanks again
What a CPU model? This one is only for 8227. If you have other cpu, i am not recommened you install this FW.
Внимание! Все дальнейшие действия вы выполняете на свой страх и риск!
Этап 1: Подготовка
Перед началом прошивки устройства нужно произвести некоторые операции: узнать его точную модель и загрузить файлы обновлений, а также подготовить флешку или карту памяти.
Первым делом следует определить конкретную модель вашей автомагнитолы. Самое простое решение этой задачи заключается в использовании настроек девайса – откройте его главное меню и тапните по соответствующей иконке.
- объём – не менее 8 Гб;
- файловая система – FAT32;
- тип коннектора – желательно USB 2.0, который медленнее, но более надёжный.
Этап 2: Прошивка
Теперь переходим непосредственно к прошивке магнитолы.
Решение некоторых проблем
Рассмотрим возможные сбои, которые возникают в процессе выполнения инструкции выше.
Магнитола не видит флешку
Если устройство не распознаёт USB-накопитель, выполните следующее:
- Проверьте работоспособность носителя – возможно, он вышел из строя. При обнаружении неполадок просто замените его.
- Подключите носитель к компьютеру и проверьте файловую систему – возможно, вместо FAT32 вы использовали что-то другое. В такой ситуации просто отформатируйте флешку в нужный вариант.
Флешка видна, но магнитола не видит прошивку
Если гаджет не может распознать файлы обновлений, причин у этого две – вы загрузили данные для другой модели или же распаковали их не полностью либо не в корень флешки. Решить проблему можно так:
- Отсоедините USB-носитель от магнитолы и подсоедините его к ПК либо ноутбуку. Проверьте местоположение файлов, их количество и размеры.
- Также, если присутствует документ сверки хэш-сумм в формате MD5, сверьте данные с его помощью.
Мы рады, что смогли помочь Вам в решении проблемы.
Отблагодарите автора, поделитесь статьей в социальных сетях.
Опишите, что у вас не получилось. Наши специалисты постараются ответить максимально быстро.
Помогла ли вам эта статья?
Еще статьи по данной теме:
где ссылка на прошивку?
Здравствуйте. Возможно глупый вопрос, но система на скриншотах это обычная оболочка андроида 8.1 или, как например у Самсунг, оболочка конкретного бренда? У меня такая же картина на ГУ. И очень интересно, до чего можно обновлять данную сборку, а на чем она точно не поедет?
Как с завишего состояния его прошить или же востоновить до заводских настроек
Некоторые устройства можно перезагрузить путем одновременного нажатия (и удержания) нескольких кнопок, чаще всего это включение и одна из кнопок регулировки громкости либо же включение и вызов дисковода (если он есть, конечно), следует попробовать оба варианта. Возможно, на вашей модели перезапуск и/или сброс выполняется иначе, и логичнее всего будет самостоятельно поискать эту информацию. Просто введите в Google или Яндекс запрос вида *автомагнитола производитель модель перезапуск* или *автомагнитола производитель модель сброс настроек*, найдите официальное руководство и воспользуйтесь им.
Далее действуйте на свое усмотрение: если сброса настроек будет достаточно, задача решена; если нет — пробуйте снова прошить магнитолу по инструкции.
Нечаянно убрал яркость на дисплее андроид 8.1кардрокс.при загрузке экран загорается, потом ничего не видать. Что делать?
Программирую кнопки руля. Работают некоторое время . Потом отваливаются . В настройках руля магнитолы настройки стоят, а кнопки не работают. Приходится заново перепрограммировать . В чем может быть причина?
Hello guys, i get new firmware for Junsun V1 PRO 2GB+32GB WIFI - CPU MT8227L from junsun support.
USB disk must be FAT32! If youre using big size disk (more then 32GB) use any program for format FAT32.
FAT32 format program link: Guiformat
Firmware link: UI3 V1 PRO
New member
Hello guys, i get new firmware for Junsun V1 PRO 2GB+32GB WIFI - CPU MT8227L from junsun support.
USB disk must be FAT32! If youre using big size disk (more then 32GB) use any program for format FAT32.
FAT32 format program link: Guiformat
Firmware link: UI3 V1 PRO
I saw somewhere that by installing the new UI that we would lose access to the pre-installed maps. Is that true?
If yes, is there any way to keep the maps and gps?
Senior Member
I saw somewhere that by installing the new UI that we would lose access to the pre-installed maps. Is that true?
If yes, is there any way to keep the maps and gps?
Just ask your seller. He will provide the links to download the navigation app and several GB with the maps.
On the other side: who wants to use the pirated navigation software?!
I asked the publisher of the GPS app if they know what Junsun is doing there. His answer was that they don't have a contract with Junsun and it's pirated software.
Its works well, i also have link from junsun for 2020q4 maps with install apps if you need.
New member
Thanks for sharing the update files, and the precious informations !
I tried to update my head unit by asking the support for the update files, but they gave me some files from Dec-2020 ! (updated anyway, and now I have an issue with google play : I'm unable to login, the login button being unresponsive . )
So I m looking for a new (and possibly more recent) firmware
I downloaded yours, but there's a 0 octet file (the .upd file)
Could you please share it again ? I'd be awesome !
Thanks, and have a nice day !
Thanks for sharing the update files, and the precious informations !
I tried to update my head unit by asking the support for the update files, but they gave me some files from Dec-2020 ! (updated anyway, and now I have an issue with google play : I'm unable to login, the login button being unresponsive . )
So I m looking for a new (and possibly more recent) firmware
I downloaded yours, but there's a 0 octet file (the .upd file)
Could you please share it again ? I'd be awesome !
Thanks, and have a nice day !
New member
Hi Volkmi,
Thanks for the super fast answer !
I bought last month the Junsun V1 Pro 6+128G (with the support for peugeot 508) , I was curious to see in the .zip you shared what looked like a timestamp of Aug 2021, but in the file sent by the support it s Dec 2020.
I asked them if it was the latest FW, they answered "I am sending you the latest firmware", but without link .
I translated that in "I _sent_ you the latest firmware
To be honest, I didn't try your files, seeing the 0 octet .upd file, I jumped to the conclusion that the file was not uploaded correctly !
I'll try after work !
Thanks again
Hi Volkmi,
Thanks for the super fast answer !
I bought last month the Junsun V1 Pro 6+128G (with the support for peugeot 508) , I was curious to see in the .zip you shared what looked like a timestamp of Aug 2021, but in the file sent by the support it s Dec 2020.
I asked them if it was the latest FW, they answered "I am sending you the latest firmware", but without link .
I translated that in "I _sent_ you the latest firmware
To be honest, I didn't try your files, seeing the 0 octet .upd file, I jumped to the conclusion that the file was not uploaded correctly !
I'll try after work !
Thanks again
What a CPU model? This one is only for 8227. If you have other cpu, i am not recommened you install this FW.
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