Homelink land rover настройка 2013
Система homelink® — это самая популярная в мире система беспроводного управления воротами. Система позволяет удобно и безопасно открывать и закрывать ворота гаража, уличные ворота, управлять системой безопасности вашего дома и наружным освещением. Система состоит из трех кнопок, интегрированных в интерьер вашего автомобиля.
Инструкция по программированию системы HomeLink
Кнопки HomeLink можно просто перепрограммировать в индивидуальном порядке, но стереть их по одной невозможно. Чтобы стереть существующее программирование сразу всех трех кнопок, выполните следующие действия:
Нажмите и удерживайте две расположенные снаружи кнопки I и III до тех пор, пока приблизительно через 20 секунд не начнет вспыхивать светодиод.
1) Нажмите соответствующую кнопку HomeLink I, II, или III — которую Вы хотели бы запрограммировать, и удерживайте ее приблизительно 20 секунд до тех пор, пока светодиод HomeLink не начнет медленно вспыхивать (рис. 2). Не отпускайте ее до завершения шага 4!
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Если ранее применялась процедура стирания, то Вы можете обучать блок HomeLink напрямую с пульта дистанционного управления, когда нажимаете кнопку I, II или III и медленно вспыхивает светодиод, не ожидая 20 сек.
2) Когда светодиод начинает медленно вспыхивать, продолжайте удерживать кнопку в нажатом положении и держите пульт дистанционного управления устройства, который Вы хотели бы обучить, на расстоянии приблизительно 0 — 30 см от блока передатчика HomeLink.
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Расстояние между пультом дистанционного управления и блоком передатчика HomeLink
зависит от системы, которая программируется. Может потребоваться сделать несколько попыток на различных расстояниях. Пробуйте установку в каждом положении не менее 30 секунд, прежде чем переходить к другому положению.
3) Продолжая удерживать кнопку в нажатом положении, активируйте (нажмите) пульт дистанционного управления и не отпускайте
4) Светодиод HomeLink начнет вспыхивать, сначала медленно, а затем быстро. Когда светодиод будет быстро вспыхивать, отпустите обе кнопки. Быстрые вспышки указывают на успешное программирование сигнала с новым частотным кодированием. Чтобы запрограммировать две оставшиеся кнопки, выполните шаги с 1 по 4 еще раз.
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Если Ваша система обладает функцией плавающего кода, пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с разделом “Синхронизация плавающего кода — Программирование”. Для уточнения посмотрите руководство по эксплуатации открывателя ворот или гаражных дверей. По всему видно, что пульт дистанционного управления запрограммировал HomeLink, но HomeLink не управляет открывателем ворот или гаражных дверей. Нажмите и удерживайте запрограммированную кнопку HomeLink. При наличии в системе плавающего кода светодиод HomeLink быстро вспыхивает в течение короткого времени и затем две секунды непрерывно горит. Эта комбинация повторяется до 20 секунд. Если программирование HomeLink осуществлено для системы с плавающим кодом, то в конце периода программирования их требуется синхронизировать между собой еще раз для правильного функционирования HomeLink. Для синхронизации плавающего кода следуйте приведенным ниже инструкциям (эта процедура займет меньше времени, если Вам будет помогать второй человек).
Если радиоканал привода ворот с системой RollingCode.
Синхронизация плавающего кода — Программирование
Ваш автомобиль должен находиться в зоне действия открывателя ворот или гаражных дверей. Обязательно выполняйте правила техники безопасности, даже когда синхронизируете плавающий код.
HomeLink® is the world’s most widely trusted and used vehicle-based wireless control system and is available in more than 100 countries. Your HomeLink buttons will typically be located in your vehicle’s mirror, overhead console, or center stack, but its location varies based on vehicle make, model, and year. If you are unsure where your HomeLink is located, please reference your owner’s manual.
HomeLink is compatible with hundreds of different garage doors, gates, and other devices worldwide. However, we cannot guarantee compatibility in all geographies and with all device manufacturers.
Your owner’s manual should always provide the most accurate training instructions and should be used as your primary reference point for device training. If you cannot find your owner’s manual, the following instructions have been designed to work for training most compatible devices. Please note that these instructions assume a mirror-based HomeLink location. If your HomeLink is located elsewhere in your vehicle, please use that location in place of the mirror.
- Note:
- Before programming HomeLink, make sure that people and objects are out of the way, and park your vehicle outside of the garage.
- We recommend getting a new battery for your garage door remote for more accurate programming.
- If your garage door opener uses rolling code, you may need a stepladder or other sturdy, safe device to reach the “Learn” or “Smart” button later in the programming.
HomeLink and Garage Door Training:
- For your first time training HomeLink, it may be helpful to clear your HomeLink. To do this, press and hold the outer two HomeLink buttons for 10 seconds. DO NOT release until the indicator light changes from solid to flashing rapidly. Skip this step when training additional buttons.
- Holding your garage door remote 1-3 inches (3-7 cm) away from your HomeLink buttons, simultaneously press and hold the HomeLink button you would like to train and the button on your handheld garage door remote. DO NOT RELEASE until the HomeLink indicator light changes from flashing slowly to either solid or flashing rapidly.
- Press and release the trained HomeLink button. If you have a fixed code device, your HomeLink indicator light will be solid, and pressing the trained HomeLink button should now activate your garage door.
- If your garage door is not functioning, and the indicator light is flashing rapidly, you likely have a rolling code device, and have a few more steps to complete, which we will get to in the next section (“Rolling Code Training”).
Rolling Code Training:
- A second person may make the following steps quicker and easier.
- The next steps are time sensitive, and may need to be tried multiple times.
- If you are unable to reach the “learn,” “smart,” or “program” button, we recommend using a stepladder or other sturdy, safe device. Do not stand on your vehicle to complete these steps.
- On your garage door opener in the garage, locate the “learn,” “smart,” or program” button. The shape and color may vary by manufacturer.
- Press the learn, smart, or program button. Depending on the brand of your garage door opener, the indicator light may begin blinking.
- Within 20 seconds, return to your vehicle and press and release the programmed HomeLink button. Repeat the “press and release” sequence up to 3 times to complete the training process. HomeLink should now activate your rolling code equipped device.
- To train other buttons, skip the “clearing” process at the beginning of this video, and simply follow the other few steps using an un-programmed HomeLink button.
- Before returning a leased vehicle or selling your vehicle, it is recommended that you clear any programmed HomeLink buttons.
- To do this, simply press and hold the outer two HomeLink buttons for 10 seconds, until the HomeLink indicator light changes from solid to blinking.
Reprogramming a Single HomeLink Button:
When the following procedure is performed, buttons which already have devices registered to them can be overwritten without clearing other programmed buttons.
- Press and hold the desired HomeLink button.
- Continue holding the HomeLink button for about 20 seconds, and the HomeLink indicator light will start slowly flashing. While continuing to hold the HomeLink button, position the garage door remote 5-30cm below the HomeLink buttons and press and hold the garage door remote until the HomeLink indicator light changes from slowly flashing to solid or rapidly flashing. This change indicates the frequency signal has been learned.
- Press and hold the programmed HomeLink button and observe the indicator light.
- If the indicator light is solid, programming is complete, and your device should activate when the HomeLink button is pressed and released.
- If the indicator light blinks rapidly, proceed with “Rolling Code Training.”
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© 2022 Gentex Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Gentex®, HomeLink®, and the HomeLink® house icon are registered trademarks of Gentex Corporation.On this page, we will cover the installation and programming for your Universal Receiver, different HomeLink locations and training processes, clearing your Universal Receiver, and finally, setting the switch pulse. During this process you will activate your garage door, so be sure to park your vehicle outside of the garage, and be sure that people, animals, and other objects are not in the door’s path.
Universal Receiver Installation and Programming:
When installing your Universal Receiver, mount the device toward the front of the garage, preferably about two meters above the floor. Select a location which allows clearance for opening the cover, and space for the antenna (as far from metal structures as possible). Be sure to install the unit within range of a power outlet.
Different HomeLink Locations and Training Processes:
Depending on your vehicle make and model year, some vehicles may require an alternate training process to enable your HomeLink to control your Universal Receiver.
For vehicles that utilize displays for the HomeLink interface, be sure that your HomeLink is in UR Mode in order to complete training. The access to this setting varies by vehicle, but selecting UR mode is typically available as a step within the HomeLink training process.
For Mercedes vehicles with the HomeLink LED on the bottom of the mirror, you will need to press and hold the outer two buttons until the HomeLink indicator changes from amber to green, and then press and hold only the middle HomeLink button until the HomeLink LED indicator changes again from amber to green. Complete the training process by pressing the Learn button on your Universal Receiver, then within 30 seconds, return to your vehicle and press the desired HomeLink button for two seconds, release, then press again for two seconds, and release. Some Audi vehicles will also utilize the two outside button followed by the middle button process to load UR code into HomeLink, but the indicator light will change from slowly blinking to solid, instead of changing color.
Clearing your Universal Receiver
- To clear the Universal Receiver, press and hold the Learn A or Learn B button until the LED indicator changes from solid to off.
Setting the Switching Pulse
Nearly all garage doors utilize the short switching pulse for activation. For this reason, the Universal Receiver is shipped in this mode by default and should work with the majority of garage doors on the market. If you are having trouble with programming, your garage door may utilize a constant signal mode, which may require you to change the switching pulse jumper’s location in your Universal Receiver. We recommend you contact HomeLink Customer Support to confirm if your garage door uses the constant signal mode.
- To change your Universal Receiver’s switching pulse, follow these instructions.
- On your Universal Receiver in your garage, locate the pulse switching jumper for channel A or Channel B. The jumper is a small device that connects two of the three available switching pulse pins.
- If the jumper is connecting pins 1 and 2, it will function in short pulse mode. If the jumper is connecting pins 2 and 3, it will function in constant signal mode (sometimes called the dead man mode).
You can test which mode your Universal Receiver is in by pressing and releasing the “test” button. In short pulse mode, the LED indicator will momentarily flash on and off. In constant signal mode, the LED will stay on for a longer time.
For Additional Support
For additional help with training, please contact our expert support staff, at
(0) 0800 046 635 465 (Please note, depending on your carrier the toll free number may not be available.)
(0) 08000 HOMELINKor alternatively +49 7132 3455 733 (subject to charge).
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© 2022 Gentex Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Gentex®, HomeLink®, and the HomeLink® house icon are registered trademarks of Gentex Corporation.RangeRobber
Марка машины:
Машина другой маркиДелал всё по инструкции, так ни шиша и не заработало. Обычные пульты убогой фирмы CAME.
Судя по описанию там чуть ли не управление умным домом можно зацепить и вообще на всех частотах может работать, у кого есть опыт? Может какая-то заморочка, что нужен именно мастер-ключ, то бишь какой-то первый пульт. Не понимаю в этом ни фига, обидно что так всегда хотел HomeLink а не фига не заработало пока.
Марка машины:
RANGE ROVER 2013если все по инструкции то 99 % что сам пульт умер был такой случай все моргает принимает сигнал а открывать не хочет вылечилось только заменой
Марка машины:
Машина другой маркиДелал всё по инструкции, так ни шиша и не заработало. Обычные пульты убогой фирмы CAME.
Судя по описанию там чуть ли не управление умным домом можно зацепить и вообще на всех частотах может работать, у кого есть опыт? Может какая-то заморочка, что нужен именно мастер-ключ, то бишь какой-то первый пульт. Не понимаю в этом ни фига, обидно что так всегда хотел HomeLink а не фига не заработало пока.А в чем проблема то?
Марка машины:
Машина другой маркиSlavik
Марка машины:
Машина другой маркиПульт CAME запоминает код от ранее запрограммированного пульта, также и Ваш Homelink должен "вписать" в себя код от пульта CAME. Если ворота открываются от CAME то он свою функцию выполняет, а вот Homelink - нет.
Марка машины:
Машина другой маркиSlavik
Марка машины:
Машина другой маркиЭто очень просто! Бывает намного хуже (сложнее).
p.s. Ваш Homelink может быть выключен ОД.
Марка машины:
Машина другой маркиСлавик, спасибо за инфу! Никогда бы не подумал, что косячит может сам Homelink как раз! Буду проверять
Марка машины:
Машина другой маркиЕгерь
Марка машины:
Машина другой маркиНа сколько я знаю хоумлинк работает на другой частоте чем камэ. так что думаю подружить их невозможно!
What is HomeLink?
HomeLink is the most widely used and trusted car-to-home automation system. It consists of vehicle-integrated programmable buttons that use RF and/or cloud-based wireless control to operate a myriad of home automation devices including garage doors, thermostats, home lighting and more.
What is HomeLink Connect?
HomeLink Connect is a home automation aggregator app that offer drivers access to an increasing array of cloud-based, home automation services. It’s available for both iOS and Android devices.
Where can I get more information?
Visit the HomeLink Connect website.
Yonomi is an IoT company creating a more connected smart home. They build cloud based technologies for companies and people looking to create wonderful experiences in their home.
Which mobile OS versions will support the HomeLink Connect App?
Where can I download the HomeLink Connect app?
With what mirrors and vehicles is the HomeLink Connect app compatible?
The HomeLink Connect app is compatible with Bluetooth-enabled mirrors (indicated with a Bluetooth symbol); and HomeLink Connect compatible vehicles (to be announced).
Where can I purchase a Bluetooth-enabled mirror?
Bluetooth enabled mirrors can be purchased in the aftermarket from a VOXX aftermarket distributor. Visit VOXX Electronics to shop online. Bluetooth enabled mirrors will be available in upcoming vehicles (to be announced).
Getting Started
I've downloaded the app, what now?
Visit our Getting Started page once you have downloaded the app.
How does HomeLink Connect work?
Drivers of HomeLink Connect-compatible vehicles can download and configure the app to control a myriad of individual home automation devices, or set up entire home automation “scenes.” For instance, when heading home, one HomeLink button press could adjust your thermostat, turn on your lights, disarm the security system, unlock the door, and begin playing your favorite music.
The app pairs with the vehicle, allowing users to activate vehicle-integrated HomeLink buttons without needing to fumble with their phone. HomeLink Connect can be activated by hard buttons via a low-energy Bluetooth connection with the phone, or soft buttons created in the app that populate on the vehicle’s center stack display once the phone is connected.
Can HomeLink Connect work with my current HomeLink buttons?
No, the HomeLink Connect app only works with new HomeLink Connect-compatible vehicles and Bluetooth mirrors. It will not work with HomeLink systems currently in use.
What devices can HomeLink Connect control?
HomeLink Connect can operate a wide variety of home automation devices including thermostats, lights, music devices, switches, home security components, door locks, and other gadgets. The compatibility list continues to grow. The current list of compatible component manufacturers includes August, Cree, Ecobee, GE, Honeywell, Insteon, iRobot, LIFX, Osram, Philips, Schlage, Sonos, TP-Link, Wink, and more.
Why isn't my smart home brand supported?
We are working on adding more smart home brands every day. Take a look at our Compatible Products page to see what we currently support.
Do I need more than one HomeLink connect account for multiple vehicles?
No, the buttons you define to control your smart devices will be available to you on any vehicle with compatible hardware.
Using HomeLink Connect
How do I program my garage door to the HomeLink Connect app?
Detailed instructions can be found in our Garage Door Opener Training page.
Garage door programming instructions are available in the app. When logged in to the app, either tap "Program" on the home page of the app, or simply tap the in the top left corner on the home page of the app → Opener Programming. The second method described also works if you are not logged in to the app.
How do I set a smart home routine?
Please visit our Smart Home Routines page for more details.
Once you have paired to your HomeLink Connect mirror → tap SETUP on the home page of the app → choose which mirror button you would like to add a smart home routine to → Smart Home Routine.
How can I control my smart home devices using OnScreen?
Please visit our HomeLink OnScreen page for more details.
What are Smart Home accounts in the app?
Smart Home accounts are home automation platforms such as Insteon, Wink, Philips Hue, etc. You can link your Smart Home accounts to the HomeLink Connect app by tapping the in the top left corner on the home page → My Smart Home.
What are scenes?
A scene is a collection of actions that can control multiple devices, each with multiple actions, from a single button press. Combine multiple scenes from different smart home accounts to control your entire house with a single button press! Each home automation account may call them different things like scenes, routines, formulas, etc.
Can I assign InMirror buttons to connected devices and to a garage door at the same time?
Yes, you can program 1 garage door and an unlimited number of smart home actions to a single button on your HomeLink Connect mirror.
How many mirrors can be connected to the HomeLink Connect app?
Will my HomeLink button operate my garage door if it is programmed to perform actions on my smart device(s)?
If your HomeLink mirror button is programmed to operate your garage door and perform smart device actions, it will do both.
You can also program your HomeLink mirror button to only operate your garage door, or only perform smart device actions.
What do the Bluetooth and Cloud icons on the mirror mean?
Your Bluetooth enabled mirror has two icons for communicating the Bluetooth status and smart action status.
A white Bluetooth icon displays when your mirror is paired with your phone.
A red Bluetooth icon displays when your mirror disconnects from your phone or there is
an error when your mirror tries to pair with your phone. If your mirror disconnects from
your phone press the connect/connecting button in the HomeLink Connect app. If your
mirror fails to connect during the pairing process, try starting the pairing process again.
A white cloud icon displays when you press a HomeLink mirror button, programmed with a smart
action, and the smart home action message was successfully sent.
A red cloud icon displays when you press a HomeLink mirror button, programmed with a smart
action, and there is an error sending the smart home action message. When you see the
red cloud icon, try pressing the button again. If the red icon continues to be displayed,
make sure your phone has a cellular connection.
How do I create a HomeLink Connect account?
There are multiple ways to create your HomeLink Connect account. After you have accepted the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy in the initial app setup, you will be brought to some cards telling you a little more about HomeLink Connect. Make your way to the last card and tap "Sign Up Today" and follow the in-app instructions.
If you already have an account and would like to create a new one, sign out of your current account, then simply tap the in the top left corner on the home page of the app → Create An Account.
How do I contact support?
You can also contact support from within the app. Simply tap the in the top left corner on the home page of the app → Support → Email Support.
I forgot my password, what do I do?
Go to the sign-in screen on the app and click on "Forgot Password". You will then supply your email address and receive an email to reset your password.
How do I change my password?
Simply tap the in the top left corner on the home page of the app → tap on your name → Change Password.
How do I delete my account?
Simply tap the in the top left corner on the home page of the app → tap on your name → Delete HomeLink Account.
Once you delete your account, all account data is removed and we are unable to restore it. You will need to create a new account to continue to use HomeLink Connect.
How do I link my smart home accounts?
You must be logged in to the app to set a smart home routine. Either tap "Smart Home" on the home page of the app, or simply tap the in the top left corner on the home page of the app → My Smart Home. Once added, the devices associated with your account will populate automatically.
How do I un-link a smart home account?
Either tap "Smart Home" on the home page of the app, or simply tap the in the top left corner on the home page of the app → My Smart Home → tap on the smart home account you wish to un-link → Unlink Account.
If you un-link an account, the devices associated with that account will no longer be available for HomeLink functions.
How do I add a new device to my existing smart home account in the HomeLink Connect app?
First set up your new device via the native device app. Once your new device is set up, open the HomeLink Connect app. Either tap "Smart Home" on the home page of the app, or simply tap the in the top left corner on the home page of the app → My Smart Home → tap on the smart home account you wish to add a new device to → Sync Account. Your new device will be displayed and you can create a smart home action with the new device.
How do I add a new scene or routine to my existing smart home account in the HomeLink Connect app?
First create the new scene or routine via the native device app. Once your new scene or routine is created, open the HomeLink Connect app. Either tap "Smart Home" on the home page of the app, or simply tap the in the top left corner on the home page of the app → My Smart Home → tap on the smart home account you wish to add a new scene or routine to → Sync Account. Your new scene or routine will be availabe to be used in your smart home routine.
Why isn't my HomeLink Connect app auto-connecting to my mirror?
HomeLink Connect is designed to auto connect to your mirror so you don't have to initiate a connection every time you want to use your HomeLink button to activate a smart home action. There are some instances when the auto connect function will not work and you will need to initiate a connection from the app. To initiate a connection, select your mirror in the HomeLink Connect app and press the Connect button.
1. Make sure your app is running in the background of your phone. If you force close the app, or if the app closes unexpectedly, you will need to initiate a connection from the app to your mirror.
2. If you turn off Bluetooth on your phone and turn Bluetooth back on, you will need to initiate a connection from the app to your mirror.
3. When Apple and Android phones are in low power mode, the HomeLink Connect app may be closed by the operating system. If this happens you will need to initiate a connection from the app to your mirror.What's the difference between a "cloud smart device" and a "local smart device"?
Many of today’s smart devices for the home can be integrated with via Cloud-based APIs from the device vendor. These Cloud services maintain persistent connections to the end devices in your home. Whenever we can, we integrate with partners via the Cloud.
Some devices are currently only able to be integrated with directly over a local network, they are not persistently Cloud connected. In our current compatible device portfolio, local devices include Belkin Wemo, and (in some cases) Philips Hue. To use a local device with HomeLink Connect you must create a virtual gateway. See the virtual gateway FAQ to learn more.
How do I create a virtual gateway to use a local smart device?
For HomeLink Connect to be capable of reaching your local devices, you will need to create a dedicated virtual gateway. If you have a tablet or old phone that can be left at home, turned on and plugged in, it can act as a dedicated gateway.
- Connect the device to the same Wi-Fi network as the local smart device.
- Install Yonomi on the dedicated gateway device, login to your Yonomi account if you have one, or create a new account.
- Add your local smart device(s) to your Yonomi account. Configure your local smart device(s) in the Yonomi app by creating a routine.
- Open the HomeLink Connect app and either tap "Smart Home" on the home page of the app, or simply tap the in the top left corner on the home page of the app → My Smart Home → link your Yonomi smart account.
- If you add more devices or make any changes to your routine in the Yonomi app, make sure to sync your changes to the HomeLink Connect app by either tapping "Smart Home" on the home page of the app, or simply tap the in the top left corner on the home page of the app → My Smart Home → Yonomi → Sync Account. You will now be able to use the routine you just created in the Yonomi app with your HomeLink Connect smart home routine.
Next, you'll need to leave the Yonomi app running in the background of the dedicated gateway device. This is required so when you press a HomeLink Connect button, the button will be able to communicate to the local device via the cloud through the Yonomi app. If you are using iOS, leaving the screen on (with Yonomi in the background) may be necessary to ensure that the Yonomi process does not get de-prioritized.To do so on iOS, go into the Settings app → Display & Brightness → Auto-Lock → Never
Additionally, for both platforms — Android and especially iOS, there are some critical settings to verify are set correctly.
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