Джим молодой водитель автобуса уже год снимал комнату у м ра ридла
Джим, молодой водитель автобуса, уже год снимал комнату у м-ра Ридла. У м-ра Ридла была дочь. Ее звали Рози. Рози была прелестной девушкой, и, конечно, Джим был влюблен в нее. А Рози? Вы хотите знать, любила ли он; Джима? Она полюбила его с того момента, как впервые увидала его. Молодые люди уже давно мечтали о том, чтобы пожениться, но м-р Ридл хотел, чтобы его единственная дочь вышла замуж за человека побогаче.У Джима был приятель по имени Пилкинз, который работал ночным клерком в аптеке. Однажды Джим пришел в гости к Пилкинзу. У него был необычный вид, и голос его звучал взволнованно. “Послушай, — сказал Джим. — Мы с Рози решили завтра ночью убежать и пожениться. Если, конечно, она не передумает. Она боится отца. Нет ли у тебя какого-нибудь лекарства, которое заставит Рози полюбить меня еще крепче? Если я дам ей немного, она не побоится убежать со мной. Пожалуйста, Пилкинз, принеси мне такое лекарство!”
Jim, a young bus driver, a year rented a room at Mr. Riedel. In Mr. Riddle he had a daughter. Her name was Rosie. Rosie was a lovely girl, and of course, Jim was in love with her. And Rosie? You want to know if he liked; Jim? She loved him from the moment I first saw him. Young people have long dreamed to get married, but Mr. Riedl wanted his only daughter married a man richer.
Jim had a friend named Pilkinz, who worked as a night clerk at the pharmacy. One day Jim came to visit Pilkinzu. He had an unusual appearance, and his voice sounded worried. "Look, - said Jim. - We Rosie decided tomorrow night to run away and get married. Unless, of course, she did not change her mind. She is afraid of his father. Do not you have any medicine that will make me fall in love with Rosie even stronger? If I give her some, she is not afraid to run away with me. Please Pilkinz, bring a medicine to me! "
Jim, a young bus driver, had been renting a room at Mr. Riedle's. Mr. Riddle had a daughter. Her name was Rosie. Rosie was a lovely girl, and of course Jim was in love with her. And Rosie? You want to know if he loved him; Jim? She's loved him since she first saw him. Young people have long dreamed of getting married, but Mr. Riddle wanted his only daughter to marry a richer man.
Jim had a friend named Pilkins who worked as a night clerk at a pharmacy. One day Jim came to visit Pilkins. He had an unusual appearance, and his voice sounded excited. "Listen," Jim said. "Rosie and I decided to run away and get married tomorrow night. Unless, of course, she changes her mind. She's afraid of her father. Don't you have any medicine that will make Rosie love me even more? If I give her a little, she won't be afraid to run away with me. Please, Pilkins, bring me this medicine!"
Jim, the young bus driver, has rented Mr. Riddle's room for a year. Mr. reed has a daughter. Her name is Rosie. Rosie is a beautiful girl. Of course, Jim is in love with her. And Rosie? Do you want to know if he likes Jim? She has been in love with him since she saw him for the first time. The young man had long wanted to get married, but Mr. riddle wanted his only daughter to marry a man.
Jim has a friend named pilkins. He works as a night clerk in the drugstore. One day, Jim came to visit pilkins. He has an unusual appearance and his voice is excited. "Listen," said Jim. Rosie and I decided to go out and get married tomorrow night. Unless she changes her mind. She is afraid of her father. Do you have any medicine to make Rosie love me more? If I give her a little, she won't be afraid to run with me. Please, pilkins, give me this medicine! the United Nations
1. Yеstеrday Jіm askеd mе to rеpaіr hіs car, but І had lіttlе tіmе and had to rеfusе hіm.
2. Shе іs vеry shy. Shе has few frіеnds.
3.Thеrе wеrе a quіtе many pеoplе іn thе hall, bеcausе thе fіlm was іntеrеstіng.
4. І havе a fеw books on thіs problеm.
5. Wе havе no sugar. Buy a little sugar on your way homе.
6. Fеw pеoplе undеrstood what hе wanted to say.
7. I drank a lіttlе coffее and was ablе to work tіll mіdnіght.
8. Thеrе were fеw mіstakеs іn hіs translatіon.
9. Thеy reachеd a small vіllagе; thеrе wеrе a few housеs thеrе.
10. Thеy had little tіmе bеforе bеgіnnіng of thе pеrformancе, so thеy dеcіdеd to havе a bіtе.
11. І don't thіnk hе wіll bе a good doctor. Hе has lіttlе patіеncе.
12. Wе had lіttlе monеy so wе dеcіdеd to take a bus.
13. Quіtе many frіеnds camе to vіsіt hіm.
14. Hе doеsn't have a fеw dollars to buy thе pіcturе.
15. You can takе a fеw swееts.
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Jim had a friend called Pilkins who worked as a night clerk at a chemist’s. One day Jim came to the chemist’s, looking very excited, and told him that he and Rosy had decided to run away and get married that night. “That is”, he added, “if she doesn’t change her mind. One day she says she will, and the same evening she says she won’t beca use she’s afraid. But you can help me, can’t you?” Jim asked, finishing his story.
“I don’t see how?” said Pilkins.
“I say, Pilkins, isn’t there a drug that’ll make a girl like
you better if you give it to her? 1 think that if I have a real stuff like this to give Rosy when I see her at supper tonight, she won’t be afraid any longer. 1 don’t mind if I have to pay
for it even if it costs all the money I have.”
“When is all this supposed to take place?” asked Pilkins.
“At nine o’clock. Supper’s at seven, at eight Rosy goes to bed, pretending to have a headache, at nine I go under her window and — Make up the powder, Pilkins, will you? And I’ll look after everything else myself.”
“I’ll do my best,” said Pilkins.
He gave Jim a powder and received his heartiest thanks.
“This,” Pilkins said to himself, “will make Rosy sleep for several hours without any danger to her."
When Jim had gone, Pilkins, who was in love with Rosy too, immediately went to Mr Riddle and told the old man that Jim and Rosy were going to run away that night.
“Can I do anything for you, sir?” he asked politely. “Shall I call the police?”
“No, thank you,” said Mr Riddle. “My room’s just above Rosy’s. I’ll go up myself after supper and take my gun and wait. If he comes under Rosy’s window, he’ll want a doctor, not a policeman, you can be sure of that.”
Pilkins went home. All night he waited for news of the tragedy, but none came. At eight o’clock in the morning when it was the day-clerk’s turn to start work, Pilkins went hurriedly to Mr Riddle’s, As he was crossing the street he was surprised to see Jim, who cried out: “Rosy and I were married at 9.30 last night. She’s up at the flat making lunch — Lord! I am the luckiest man. You must come and have dinner with us some day.”
‘‘And the . powder?” Pilkins said in a weak voice.
“Oh, that stuff you gave me? Well, it was this way. I sat down next to the old man at supper last night. I looked at Rosy and said to myself, ‘Don’t play any tricks on thal girl. She loves you, that’s clear enough.’ Then I looked al her father and thought ‘There’s the man you should take care of.’ So I watched for my chance and put the powder in old Riddle’s coffee — see?”
the love drug эд. любовный напиток a boarder [э 'bo:daJ пансионер a clerk [э 'klakj клерк, служащий a chemist [э 'kemistj аптекарь a powder [э 'paudaj порошок stuff вещество
Джим, молодой водитель автобуса, уже год снимал комнату у м-ра Ридла. У м-ра Ридла была дочь. Ее звали Рози. Рози была прелестной девушкой, и, конечно, Джим был влюблен в нее. А Рози? Вы хотите знать, любила ли он; Джима? Она полюбила его с того момента, как впервые увидала его. Молодые люди уже давно мечтали о том, чтобы пожениться, но м-р Ридл хотел, чтобы его единственная дочь вышла замуж за человека побогаче.У Джима был приятель по имени Пилкинз, который работал ночным клерком в аптеке. Однажды Джим пришел в гости к Пилкинзу. У него был необычный вид, и голос его звучал взволнованно. “Послушай, — сказал Джим. — Мы с Рози решили завтра ночью убежать и пожениться. Если, конечно, она не передумает. Она боится отца. Нет ли у тебя какого-нибудь лекарства, которое заставит Рози полюбить меня еще крепче? Если я дам ей немного, она не побоится убежать со мной. Пожалуйста, Пилкинз, принеси мне такое лекарство!”
Jim, a young bus driver, a year rented a room at Mr. Riedel. In Mr. Riddle he had a daughter. Her name was Rosie. Rosie was a lovely girl, and of course, Jim was in love with her. And Rosie? You want to know if he liked; Jim? She loved him from the moment I first saw him. Young people have long dreamed to get married, but Mr. Riedl wanted his only daughter married a man richer.
Jim had a friend named Pilkinz, who worked as a night clerk at the pharmacy. One day Jim came to visit Pilkinzu. He had an unusual appearance, and his voice sounded worried. "Look, - said Jim. - We Rosie decided tomorrow night to run away and get married. Unless, of course, she did not change her mind. She is afraid of his father. Do not you have any medicine that will make me fall in love with Rosie even stronger? If I give her some, she is not afraid to run away with me. Please Pilkinz, bring a medicine to me! "
Jim, a young bus driver, had been renting a room at Mr. Riedle's. Mr. Riddle had a daughter. Her name was Rosie. Rosie was a lovely girl, and of course Jim was in love with her. And Rosie? You want to know if he loved him; Jim? She's loved him since she first saw him. Young people have long dreamed of getting married, but Mr. Riddle wanted his only daughter to marry a richer man.
Jim had a friend named Pilkins who worked as a night clerk at a pharmacy. One day Jim came to visit Pilkins. He had an unusual appearance, and his voice sounded excited. "Listen," Jim said. "Rosie and I decided to run away and get married tomorrow night. Unless, of course, she changes her mind. She's afraid of her father. Don't you have any medicine that will make Rosie love me even more? If I give her a little, she won't be afraid to run away with me. Please, Pilkins, bring me this medicine!"
Jim, the young bus driver, has rented Mr. Riddle's room for a year. Mr. reed has a daughter. Her name is Rosie. Rosie is a beautiful girl. Of course, Jim is in love with her. And Rosie? Do you want to know if he likes Jim? She has been in love with him since she saw him for the first time. The young man had long wanted to get married, but Mr. riddle wanted his only daughter to marry a man.
Jim has a friend named pilkins. He works as a night clerk in the drugstore. One day, Jim came to visit pilkins. He has an unusual appearance and his voice is excited. "Listen," said Jim. Rosie and I decided to go out and get married tomorrow night. Unless she changes her mind. She is afraid of her father. Do you have any medicine to make Rosie love me more? If I give her a little, she won't be afraid to run with me. Please, pilkins, give me this medicine! the United Nations
Джим, молодой водитель автобуса, уже год снимал комнату у м-ра Ридла. У м-ра Ридла была дочь. Ее звали Рози. Рози была прелестной девушкой, и, конечно, Джим был влюблен в нее. А Рози? Вы хотите знать, любила ли он; Джима? Она полюбила его с того момента, как впервые увидала его. Молодые люди уже давно мечтали о том, чтобы пожениться, но м-р Ридл хотел, чтобы его единственная дочь вышла замуж за человека побогаче.
У Джима был приятель по имени Пилкинз, который работал ночным клерком в аптеке. Однажды Джим пришел в гости к Пилкинзу. У него был необычный вид, и голос его звучал взволнованно. “Послушай, — сказал Джим. — Мы с Рози решили завтра ночью убежать и пожениться. Если, конечно, она не передумает. Она боится отца. Нет ли у тебя какого-нибудь лекарства, которое заставит Рози полюбить меня еще крепче? Если я дам ей немного, она не побоится убежать со мной. Пожалуйста, Пилкинз, принеси мне такое лекарство!”
Jim, a young bus driver, a year already rented a room from m-RA Ridla. From m-RA Ridla had a daughter. Her name was Rosie. Rosie was a pretty girl, and of course, Jim was in love with her. And Rosie? You want to know whether he loved; Jim? She fell in love with it since the first time saw it. Young people have long dreamed about to marry, but Mr Riedl wanted his only daughter married a richer man.Jim had a buddy named Pilkinz, who worked as a night clerk at a pharmacy. Once Jim came to visit Pilkinzu. He had an unusual appearance, and his voice sounded excited. "Listen," said Jim. -We with Rosie decided tomorrow night to run away and get married. Unless, of course, it did not change his mind. She is afraid of his father. Do you have any medications that will make Rosie to love me even stronger? If I give her a little, she didn't dare to run away with me. Please, Pilkinz, bring me such medicine! "
Jim, a young bus driver, a year rented a room from Mr. Riedel. In Mr. Riedel had a daughter. Her name is Rosie. Rosie was a lovely girl, and, of course, Jim was in love with her. And Rosie? Do you want to know whether he loved; Jim? She loved him from the moment I first saw him. Young people have long dreamed to get married, but Mr. Riedl wanted his only daughter married a man richer.
Jim had a friend named Pilkinz, who worked as a night clerk at a pharmacy. One day Jim came to visit Pilkinzu. He had an unusual appearance, and his voice sounded worried. "Look, - said Jim. - We decided to Rosie tomorrow night to escape and get married. Unless, of course, she did not change her mind. She is afraid of his father. No Do you have any medicine that will make me fall in love with Rosie even stronger? If I give her a little, she is not afraid to run away with me. Please Pilkinz, bring me a cure! "
jim, a bus driver, already year rented a room for mr. riddle. mr. riddle was the daughter. her name was rosie. rosie was a lovely girl, and, of course, jim was in love with her. rosie? you want to know, loved it, jim?she fell in love with him since i first saw him. young people have long dreamed of getting married, but mr. riddle wanted his only daughter married a man rich. "jim was a man named пилкинз, who worked as a clerk in the store. one day jim came to visit пилкинзу. he had an unusual appearance, and his voice sounded worried. "listen," said jim.- we're with rosie decided tomorrow night to run away and get married. unless, of course, she didn't change her mind. she is afraid of her father. if you have any medication that will make rosie love me tighter. if i give her a little.she's not afraid to run away with me. please пилкинз, bring me something! "
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