Ota package and app package must update same time как убрать на магнитоле
I'm having some trouble to determine my MCU version. The unit states jy_(_r76)__90_c9_7706_5009_CAN and the Joying website states:
MCU version is 9.20 or more later
MCU version is 5.25 or more earlier
Is my version 5009? So would it be version 5.25 or earlier? Or am I mistaken here?
Thanks in advance
The MCU type is 5009. The Sofias come as 5009 or 6021 series.
Your MCU line is not complete. It should say something like MCU: 2017-10-25 19:20:05 JY_(_R76)__90_C9_7706_5009_CAN.
Or another date than the 2017-10-25 of course.
Please check again.
And in case of doubt, please contact Joying directly as nobody can see from your line what version you have.
Senior Member
- No frequency band on the radio - use the buttons (software or hardware if you have then) to navigate
- Single-page navigation on the radio - no scrolling to find buttons
- Dedicated matching settings buttons in both mods
Note that the radio mod has a VW watermark behind the RDS text. This is configurable! You can remove it, or replace the image with a logo to match your car/truck.
Nice mod, looks really good! I've tried it earlier today, and I noticed that on my unit the LOC and ST functions were reversed. Thought you'd like to know.
I'm back to your "blue circular" mod for the moment, it's also really good! I'll try to roll my own background image to replace the VW one, maybe it'll work.
The bluetooth mod you did is also very good. Somehow on the first execution my screen was filled with grey vertical lines and the unit rebooted. But after that episode it worked like a charm. I very much like the feature you added to get to the Bluetooth Music app!
Senior Member
Nice mod, looks really good! I've tried it earlier today, and I noticed that on my unit the LOC and ST functions were reversed. Thought you'd like to know.
I'm back to your "blue circular" mod for the moment, it's also really good! I'll try to roll my own background image to replace the VW one, maybe it'll work.
The bluetooth mod you did is also very good. Somehow on the first execution my screen was filled with grey vertical lines and the unit rebooted. But after that episode it worked like a charm. I very much like the feature you added to get to the Bluetooth Music app!
Glad you're enjoying them! I looked into the button issue and you're right - they were switched. But here's the funny part - I never modified those; just copied and pasted the content from the original radio app. Since I based all my mods off the original, they all have the ST/LOC bug. I'll get this fixed tomorrow in my mods and update my Google drive.
As far as the weird lines, that can happen sometimes, especially when applying mods that have a lot of graphical changes. Basically the level of modding for these apps is very simple. It's like updating the images and HTML on a Web page, and each time the app loads initially, it refreshes the content.
Senior Member
Glad you're enjoying them! I looked into the button issue and you're right - they were switched. But here's the funny part - I never modified those; just copied and pasted the content from the original radio app. Since I based all my mods off the original, they all have the ST/LOC bug. I'll get this fixed tomorrow in my mods and update my Google drive.
Strange indeed, because I'm using the "blue circular" variant I installed from @surfer63's JET, and the LOC and ST functions are mapped correctly - well, the corresponding indicators turn on and off when using the associated button. I didn't pay attention to what the radio was actually doing. I had noticed similar behavior with another variant a few months ago (from memory: Red Sanangel mod), the save and stereo buttons were reversed on the toolbar at the bottom, but the functions weren't. Maybe Joying is messing with the code in some rom updates?
As far as the weird lines, that can happen sometimes, especially when applying mods that have a lot of graphical changes. Basically the level of modding for these apps is very simple. It's like updating the images and HTML on a Web page, and each time the app loads initially, it refreshes the content.
I was a little worried when the grey lines appeared, but since everything worked normally after the reboot.
В комментариях вы часто спрашиваете, что такое OTA-прошивка, чем она отличается от Recovery, как установить это обновление MIUI на Xiaomi. Особенно популярен вопрос почему не пришло OTA, хотя есть 100% уверенность в том, что она уже вышла.
Что такое обновление ОТА (FOTA)
Для установки OTA Update не требуется наличие ПК, а при установке прошивки ваши данные не пропадают.
Любой пакет ОТА включает в себя файлы, позволяющие установить прошивку на конкретный смартфон Сяоми:
Это стандартный состав любой прошивки ОТА.
Не каждая версия прошивки MIUI получает ОТА. В некоторых случаях разработчики выпускают пакеты для прошивки только посредством Recovery или Fastboot.
Чтобы выбрать OTA или Recovery ROM, рассмотрим их отличия:
Установка ОТА: автоматически, через три точки и вручную
Существует 3 простых способа как установить прошивку OTA на телефон Xiaomi:
Пользовательские данные будут сохранены, но всегда есть риск их потерять из-за ошибки во время установки обновления. Сделайте резервную копию важных данных заранее.
Автоматическая установка
Для обновления используются возможности смартфона и его текущей прошивки, ПК не нужен.
Автоматическое обновление через OTA можно запустить из меню настроек телефона:
Используется в том случае, если автоматический способ по какой-то причине не сработал. Установка OTA Update через три точки требует больше действий, но в результате телефон также получит последнюю версию MIUI.
Как установить OTA через три точки:
Установка прошивки начнётся автоматически после скачивания. При этом смартфон будет перезапущен. Полноценно пользоваться им можно будет только после полной загрузки устройства.
Обновление ОТА устанавливается только на ту версию ОТА, для которой она выпущена. Если вы случайно пропустили одно или несколько обновлений, сначала придётся установить предыдущее и только потом перейти к установке актуальной версии. Либо ставить Recovery ROM.
Ручное обновление
Такой вариант подходит случае, если вы скачали официальное ОТА-обновление самостоятельно, поскольку вам на телефон оно всё не приходит (почему OTA не прилетает рассказано ниже).
Как установить OTA обновление вручную:
Операционная система проверит целостности пакета и начнёт установку. Во время обновления телефон будет перезагружен. После рестарта у вас будет актуальная версия прошивки.
Альтернативные способы: Recovery и Fastboot
В этом случае используются возможности стокового рекавери MIUI. Можно скачать официальную MIUI из архива и прошить вручную.
Как установить OTA через рекавери:
- Скачайте ZIP-файл с прошивкой, переименуйте его в и переместите его в update.zip и положите в корень SD-карты.
- Выключите смартфон.
- Зажмите одновременно кнопку питания и обе кнопки регулировки громкости.
- В появившемся меню выберите Install update.zip to System One .
- По завершении процесса перезагрузите устройство, выбрав Reboot to System .
Скачанная прошивка должна иметь имя update.zip. Если имя будет другое, то рекавери просто не увидит файл и прошивка новой версии будет невозможна.
Фастбут позволяет решить проблему неудачного обновления, когда телефон превратился в кирпич. У режима Fastboot много других возможностей, но сегодня мы остановимся только на перепрошивке Xiaomi.
Для установки OTA через Fastboot необходимо скачать программу MiFlashPro.
Процесс прошивки смартфона немного сложнее:
- Скачайте архив с прошивкой и распакуйте содержимое в любое место на ПК.
- Запустите MiFlashPro, перейдите на вкладку Mi Flash.
- При первом запуске программа предложит установить необходимые драйверы. Нажимаем кнопку Install .
- После установки драйверов нажмите на кнопку Select и в окне проводника выберите папку с распакованной прошивкой.
- Выключите смартфон и затем зажмите одновременно кнопку питания и уменьшения громкости для входа в режим Fastboot.
- Подключите смартфон к компьютеру при помощи USB-кабеля.
- В окне программы нажмите Refresh .
- После того как программа определит телефон, внизу окна выберите save user data (сохранить данные пользователя) или clean all and lock (удалить всё и заблокировать загрузчик).
- Кликните по кнопке Flash .
Процесс установки занимает от 5 до 10 минут. По завершении процедуры телефон самостоятельно перезагрузится.
Учтите, что при таком сценарии обновления прошивки можно лишиться всех своих данных. Поэтому лучше создать резервную копию.
Есть ещё набор утилит Xiaomi ADB/Fastboot Tools, которые помогаю прошивать смартфоны Сяоми нажатием пары кнопок. По сути, это командная строка ADB с графический интерфейсом.
Обновление Android на Xiaomi A-серии
Проблемы при установке ОТА на эти телефоны уже стали своеобразной традицией. Например, для Xiaomi Mi А3 в декабре 2020 года вышла Android 11, но вскоре оказалось, что после установки прошивки телефон превращается в кирпич, который нужно нести в ремонт.
Разработчики почти сразу отозвали обновление, но владельцы смартфонов Xiaomi A3 получили проблему на ровном месте.
Если хочется во что бы то ни стало обновить смартфон Xiaomi A-серии, для которого нет MIUI, то можно рассмотреть установку кастомной прошивки от сторонних разработчиков. Для этого потребуется разблокировать загрузчик и установить кастомное рекавери (в большинстве случаев – TWRP).
Почему не приходит OTA на телефон: 10 причин
Десятки комментариев под нашими трекерами (рекомендуем MIUI 12, MIUI 12.5, Android 11) посвящены этой проблеме.
Есть несколько причин из-за которых обновление может не прийти для конкретного телефона. Например, всем вокруг на тот же Redmi Note 9 Global обновление пришло, а на ваш телефон нет. В большинстве случаев практически все проблемы решаемы.
Ниже приведены 10 причин, почему не приходит обновление OTA на Xiaomi и их решение.
1. Ошибка или сбой MIUI
Если произошёл сбой при установке OTA, то все попытки установить обновление классическим способом завершаются разнообразными ошибками MIUI. В некоторых случаях смартфон вовсе не может соединиться с сервером для поиска новой версии.
Если наблюдаются такие проблемы, можно решить их при помощи советов из статьи про ошибки MIUI по ссылке выше, либо скачать официальный файл прошивки и установить его при помощи Recovery или Fastboot способами, описанными в середине этой статьи.
2. Разблокированный загрузчик
На смартфонах Xiaomi загрузчик заблокирован для обеспечения безопасности. Энтузиасты разблокируют его для кастомной прошивки или установки альтернативного рекавери.
На смартфоны с разблокированным загрузчиком ОТА прошивка не приходит.
3. Кастомная прошивка
4. Не та прошивка
Сама частая проблема заключается в том, что люди просто путают прошивки и думают, что для их телефона вышло обновление, хотя его нет.
Чтобы узнать какая версия MIUI установлена, не нужно смотреть на коробку от устройства. Нужно посмотреть буквенный код MIUI в настройках, а затем изучить аналогичный код прошивки, которую вы хотите поставить.
5. Кастомное рекавери
Те пользователи, которые установили TWRP или другое альтернативное рекавери автоматически лишаются ОТА.
Для решения проблемы достаточно вернуть на место стоковое рекавери.
6. Нет новой версии OTA
Проблема часто встречается на старых телефонах, когда прошивка не обновляется по причине отсутствия новой версии OTA Update для устройства.
Здесь ничего сделать нельзя.
Следить за выходом новых версий прошивок можно в нашем канале Телеграм или на странице устройства в каталоге обновлений Сяоми. Ссылки на загрузку ведут на официальный сайт Xiaomi Bigota MIUI.
7. Активен Root
Права суперпользователя позволяют редактировать и изменять системные файлы.
8. Модифицированы системные файлы
Если файлы ОС были модифицированы, смартфон не получит обновлений OTA. Установленный Android должен быть оригинальным, без малейшего намёка на модификацию.
Для решения проблемы верните изменённые файлы к оригинальному состоянию. Если это невозможно – прошейте оригинальную сборку с использованием Fastboot.
9. Прошивка вышла для определённого региона
Вероятно, ОТА вышла только для конкретного региона (например, Китай или Индия). Либо глобальная версия вышла не для всех стран: например, только для Палестины и Колумбии, а для других нет.
В этом случае нужно подождать официального релиза для вашего региона. Если ждать не хочется, можно сменить регион в настройках и получить долгожданное обновление.
Как сменить регион MIUI на Xiaomi:
Рекомендуем прочитать чем отличаются регионы и на что влияет их выбор.
10. Ваша очередь ещё не подошла
Компания Xiaomi обновляет свои устройства волнами, а не выкатывает прошивки разом на все телефоны. Если на ваш телефон ОТА не пришло, значит, смартфон получит прошивку на следующем этапе.
Выход OTA для MIUI осуществляется поэтапно:
Поэтому если вам не пришло, а всем пришло, то придётся подождать до месяца. На 1 этапе скачать прошивку MIUI с официального сайта не получится, поскольку она появляется там на 2 этапе развёртывания.
Такая стратегия позволяет производителю устранять недоработки и баги, возникающие при обновлении. Если в первой волне нет проблем с прошивкой, то она разворачивается дальше. Если есть, то её отзывают и начинают дорабатывать. В этом случае нужно ждать, пока исправят баги.
В большинстве случаев в прошивках MIUI разработчики добавляют новые возможности (посмотрите обзор MIUI 12.5), исправляют баги, устраняют проблемы совместимости, улучшают работу и энергоэффективность, проводят оптимизацию.
На этом всё. Если хотите что-то добавить, добро пожаловать в комментарии.
Is anyone successfully using a USB Dongle (air card) for internet, and if so, is it any better than using your phone as a WiFi hotspot? I am on cricket and looking into this possibility. Thanks.
Indeed, i just installed one today!
I am using a huawei e3372 dongle with sim from my local provider.
Plug it in, install "PPP Widget", set APN setting and you're good to go, the app will recognize the Stick and take care of the rest.
I noticed some Bugs with WiFi lately. The device runs slower with WiFi connected and it Started to randomly loose connection, so i had to turn off and on the WiFi in Android.
I am very happy with this, works perfectly.
In addition i don't have to turn on WiFi hotspot all the time, you just get in, BT and Dongle connect automatically and you can drive off without moving a finger.
Also when streaming something on the device you save a lot phone battery.
Senior Member
I know that once you have updated to the 6 from the 5,you can't go back. But why is that? Is there any option to go back to 5 at all? Replacing something?
Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Senior Member
I know that once you have updated to the 6 from the 5,you can't go back. But why is that? Is there any option to go back to 5 at all? Replacing something?
Senior Member
In my Ford headunit (Oval shape) the 5009 motherboard was compatible with the one with 6021. Compatible with the display, the cables. I am curious if i can swap the board for the new model. I don't want to because the px5 can't do BT tethering but. I am curious
Does anybody know if I can usb tether to my head unit. I had to get a straight talk branded galaxy j7. I don't have any way to root. Bluetooth tether is way slow and foxfi doesn't work. I can usb to my pc with pdanet. I just can't figure out how to make it work with my headunit.
Senior Member
In my Ford headunit (Oval shape) the 5009 motherboard was compatible with the one with 6021. Compatible with the display, the cables. I am curious if i can swap the board for the new model. I don't want to because the px5 can't do BT tethering but. I am curious
Senior Member
Does anybody know if I can usb tether to my head unit. I had to get a straight talk branded galaxy j7. I don't have any way to root. Bluetooth tether is way slow and foxfi doesn't work. I can usb to my pc with pdanet. I just can't figure out how to make it work with my headunit.
Yes you can! It's a bit convoluted, but the solution was posted in the now-defunct Joying forums by none other than @gtxaspec. I've done it, and it works really well. I had to do it this way because on my Galaxy S7 Bluetooth tethering is actually disabled.
Here's the original text, saved last year:
How to: Using USB to Ethernet for Network Access
The Intel based Joying units have a Realtek RTL-8723 Based WiFi / Bluetooth radio built in.
Works great most of the time, although the bluetooth appears to work better if the WiFi is OFF during calls, this has been my observation.
Initially, my desire was to have my phone, a Nexus 6P, share it’s internet connection via USB to the Joying unit. Didn’t work out!
I bought a Kanex USB Ethernet Adapter Model USBRJ45, and my old Netgear WNDR-3400, I installed LEDE on it, and hooked everything up.
I had to install the following modules into LEDE to enable USB Tethering support: kmod-usb-net-rndis.
My Nexus 6P is connected via USB to the router!
Now, I wanted to set this up cleanly in my car since the dry run I did with the Joying and the LEDE Router worked great on the bench.
I installed the Joying Head Unit in the Dash, ran a 25ft ethernet cable from the back of the Head Unit, plugged into the Kanex USBRJ45
USB Ethernet Adapter, under the door trim and the rear seat to the Satellite Module Compartment in my trunk
( it was empty since my A4 did not come with XM or Sirius. )
The Netgear WNDR-3400 I was using was rated for 12v already, and the tests I did found that the router operated properly from 10v-14v,
so I didn’t use any additional converters to power the unit. The Satellite Module pigtail that was there already provided 12v,
so I just tapped into that, and as a plus, it was always on.
To those who worry about battery drain, I measured the router as drawing 350mA.
As a precaution, I added a backup 12v 12Ah Lead Acid Battery, connected to some relays, so when the engine is shut off, the relay
switches the router to battery power, and when the engine is on, it switches the router to engine power, disconnects the battery
from the router, and charges the battery from engine power.
I have been running this setup for 3 weeks, with 3 weeks of uptime on the router! I drive about 2 hours a day, 5 days a week.
The router is on 24/7 in the vehicle. No failure on either battery. I measure voltages every day while I was monitoring the
setup for reliability. As soon as I get into the car and turn the key on, the Joying starts up and starts streaming DI.FM =D
I now have always on internet in my vehicle, for my Joying Intel Head Unit. I have found that while the Joying is hooked up
via Ethernet, If I have a passenger who wishes to use WiFi, the unit has “WiFi Tether” in the STOCK Android Settings
( Not Joying Settings ) which works to share the USB-Tethered wifi to my guests! Pretty Cool.
Step 1: Get a Router that has a USB port and is capable of OpenWRT/LEDE installation
Step 2: Get an ASIX based USB 2.0 USB Ethernet Adapter ( I like Kanex USBRJ45 USB 2.0 Ethernet Adapter )
USB 3.0 ASIX Adapters WILL NOT WORK. They will drop packets. I tried many!
Step 3: Install OpenWRT/LEDE and make sure you install the kmod-usb-net-rndis module using luci or opkg.
Step 5: Enable tethering on your phone, connect your phone, see the interface enable itself on the router! Test your network on the Joying!
I've done something similar in my car, but a little bit simpler:
The router I've used is a GL.iNet GL-MT300N. It's cheap, and the firmware is based on OpenWrt/LEDE. I've also discovered that USB tethering works right out of the box with minimal configuration. In a pinch, I can activate the Wifi component of the router and provide Wifi access to my passengers. Please, don't tell my kids! The USB-to-Ethernet adapter is important to get good speeds, so be sure to use an adapter with an ASIX chipset - they are easy to find on Amazon. I used a UGREEN model, and it works well.
I did not provide constant power to the router - I don't care if it shuts down when I turn the car off. This of course means that the router has to boot every time I start the car, so network access is not running for the first few minutes.
Also note that the USB port on that particular router doesn't seem to be able to provide enough power to actually recharge the phone while tethering is active. It's - at best - keeping the current charge level. There might be ways to fix that "problem", but I haven't done anything about it yet.
So to resume: USB-to-Ethernet adapter connected to a USB port on the Joying unit, network cable to the router, and USB cable from the router to the phone. Find a way to power the router. Activate USB Tethering on the phone and "Ehernet" on the Joying unit and it should work.
- The only launcher it ships with is the crappy "new launcher". The "old one" is now totally gone. I installed Nova.
So how does it perform in terms of smoothness and responsiveness?
I'm tempted to upgrade today, on the other side i've a 2 day trip ahead and i'm afraid i'll have issues
Senior Member
So how does it perform in terms of smoothness and responsiveness?
I'm tempted to upgrade today, on the other side i've a 2 day trip ahead and i'm afraid i'll have issues
Senior Member
one thing i noticed, I flashed 5.1.1 to 6.0, made some changes, then tried to flash 6.0 AGAIN, and I am unable to do so. Every time I try to flash 6.0 again using the SD card or USB drive, I get "OTA package and app package must update same time !" although all files, including 5009_20.zip and Allapp.pkg are present. Anyone else experience this? Real bummer if you could never restore 6.0 again.
Edit: it seems the file name for the update zip has changed in the 6.0 recovery. 5009_20.zip is no longer recognized.
Edit2: Contacted joying support, another updated beta with bugs fixed tomorrow. They will try to have this fixed. stand by!
Joying engineers came through. If you need to RE-FLASH the 6.0 firmware, you MUST rename 5009_20.zip to 5009_60.zip , otherwise the firmware will throw an error! yay! I just tested it and it WORKS!
and by the way. 6.0 is LIGHTNING fast. very impressed.
---------- Post added at 09:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:44 AM ----------
one thing i noticed, I flashed 5.1.1 to 6.0, made some changes, then tried to flash 6.0 AGAIN, and I am unable to do so. Every time I try to flash 6.0 again using the SD card or USB drive, I get "OTA package and app package must update same time !" although all files, including 5009_20.zip and Allapp.pkg are present. Anyone else experience this? Real bummer if you could never restore 6.0 again.
Edit: it seems the file name for the update zip has changed in the 6.0 recovery. 5009_20.zip is no longer recognized.
Senior Member
Edit: it seems the file name for the update zip has changed in the 6.0 recovery. 5009_20.zip is no longer recognized.
Senior Member
Just tried to install TOMTOM, it work so good .
I think is becouse this update is only 5.1 --> 6.0
Senior Member
Its impossible to even respond to this because you clearly don't have ANY of the background you would need in order to understand the response.
Try. I am not an expert and I have never said that I were. As far as I know, Intel must work with last compilation (to virtual machine) to build a suitable x86 compilation. Is not such easy like compile all code to x86. and maybe they have problems with driver to release proper drivers.. I would like that I would be like that. but is more complex. I can't see any x86-based table android 7.0 in the market
Senior Member
That being said, I highly doubt that we'll ever see 7.0 or newer on this head unit. I'm sure 6.0 is the official end of the road. I really wish they'd just release the source code for it so perhaps the community could find ways to upgrade it to 7.1.1 or 7.1.2, but I'm sure pigs will fly etc. before that happens.
That also depends upon how longer Joying/Joyous sticks to Sofia based chips.
The rest of the makers have shifted/are shifting to PX5 based chips and Android 6.0.
Joying/Joyous was behind so they developed 6.0 for sofia.
As soon as Joyous shifts to Octa core bandwagon..that would be the end of official development for this/these units.
If joying decides to stick on to sofia(unlikely), six months down the line, android 7.x is a possibility!!
on a sidenote, apart from Split screen, does Android 7.x hold any significant advantage over 6.0 (in current application)?
Senior Member
Bluetooth issues?
I can't seem to get to the "stock android" bluetooth settings. I make a shortcut to the activity in nova and it won't open. I was able to workaround it and get BT tethering to work.
I also had the unit suddenly reboot about a minute into a phone call today. It happened twice.
Anyone else having issues with BT?
Can't download contacts
I can't seem to get to the "stock android" bluetooth settings. I make a shortcut to the activity in nova and it won't open. I was able to workaround it and get BT tethering to work.
I also had the unit suddenly reboot about a minute into a phone call today. It happened twice.
Anyone else having issues with BT?
My bluetooth connected fine, but when I try to download my contacts nothing happens. I can call using the keypad, works good.
Does anyone know the password to change UIC?
Hello guys,
on my Joying radio, when I use steering controls, Poweramp skips two tracks.
I know it's because I have two players actives, or Poweramp, and a music widget (Jack's Music Widget).
Do you know how can I solve it? Thanks in advance and thank you very mutch for all the tips and solutions you share here!
Senior Member
Senior Member
I have a problem
I would like to use for connection, my USB Internet key 3G but joying specify that the unit work only with 4G key.
Hows possibile, maybe is only configuration file to modify? Someone did it work?
New member
Does anyone know the password to change the ui layout? 3368 got me into the first settings layer but doesn't seem to work when it asks for the password again when I try to change launcher.
---------- Post added at 11:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:37 PM ----------
Senior Member
How to enable ADB. more easily?
1. Extract everything from Allapp.pkg using AppPack.exe
2. Edit "fyt_build.prop". add this line at the end. Save the file.
Senior Member
I did the update yesterday with (selfmade?) problems.
Installation works fine, but after reboot iI got a message "last update not finished".
Reboots with the reset button does not helped.
I redownloaded the updatefile, reformatted the sdcard and tried it once again, but no luck.
I plugged the sdcard into a usbdongle and plugged it into one of the usb cable and after cutting/connecting powersupply (12V) the HU started to finish the installation.
Maybe my fault was I formatted the sdcard on my ubuntu-laptop (only fat, not fat32).
Rooting with "service.adb.tcp.port=5555" works for me. But in settings/about I can´t see my IP-adress (not available), has someone the same problem?
I installed Sygic, IGo and tomtom, all works fine. But radio/mp3 in the background works only till the first Navi-announcement comes up. It seems that the Navi-Apps switch off the radio/mp3 and does not mute it during the announcement. Is this a settings problem? I can test this only in simulation-mode because I had to disassemble my radio to bring it up to life..
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