Mods cant be deployed vortex как исправить
22 фев. 2021 в 1:24
Это конечно все классно, я имею в виду удобство, интерфейс, доходчивая инструкция, но прога не выполняет свой главной функции - подтягивать моды в самой игре. Проблема не только у меня - на забугорных форумах люди так же жаловались и толкового ответа никто не дал. Программу установил с Nexus, папки "загрузки" и "модов" установил на том же жестком что и игра, hardlink активен, моды устанавливаю с Nexus (drag & drop архива или автоустановка с сайта через кнопку install with mod manager) - в самой программе install -> enable, никаких ошибок не вылазит, захожу в игру - а там ничего из всех установленных модов не работает. Запускал как из самого Vortex, так и из оригинального лаунчера. В чем может быть проблема, может кто сталкивался?
22 фев. 2021 в 6:25
Никак, у тебя есть 3 стула: MO2, FOMM и wryebash. У каждого есть свои недостатки, так что выбирай. Vortex'ом никто не пользуется и не советует пользоваться.
22 фев. 2021 в 7:32
22 фев. 2021 в 7:52
Никак, у тебя есть 3 стула: MO2, FOMM и wryebash. У каждого есть свои недостатки, так что выбирай. Vortex'ом никто не пользуется и не советует пользоваться.
Странно, почему же тогда Мекка моддинга Nexusmods утверждают, что nexus mod manager, fomm, mo и пр. это архаизмы и моветон в среде тру модеров? Все таки попробую ещё разобраться. Как ни как Nexusmod обещают в будущем исключить любую совместимость модов на их сайте со старыми мод менеджерами.
22 фев. 2021 в 8:32
Нексус - убогая платформа, которой пользуются только из-за отсутствия вменяемых альтернатив. Вот тебе ещё пара советов:
0. Не читай/смотри на ютубе "гайды" по моддингу, а думай сам и читай readme;
1. Не пытайся полностью автоматизировать установку/настройку модов, пожалеешь об этом;
2. Будь готов к тому, что люди пишут/говорят ерунду и явную ложь по причине крайней глупости или неопытности.
Как ни как Nexusmod обещают в будущем исключить любую совместимость модов на их сайте со старыми мод менеджерами.
22 фев. 2021 в 8:40
Нексус - убогая платформа, которой пользуются только из-за отсутствия вменяемых альтернатив. Вот тебе ещё пара советов:
0. Не читай/смотри на ютубе "гайды" по моддингу, а думай сам Весьма странный и сомнительный тезис)
Написал буржуям с Black tree, посмотрю что ответят отцы основатели nexus mod manager и vortex. Я понял что тут vortex не в почёте, а до истины добраться охота.
22 фев. 2021 в 8:44
22 фев. 2021 в 10:03
Нексус - убогая платформа, которой пользуются только из-за отсутствия вменяемых альтернатив. Вот тебе ещё пара советов:
0. Не читай/смотри на ютубе "гайды" по моддингу, а думай сам
Весьма странный и сомнительный тезис)
Написал буржуям с Black tree, посмотрю что ответят отцы основатели nexus mod manager и vortex. Я понял что тут vortex не в почёте, а до истины добраться охота. Vortex не в почете по той же причине что трава раньше зеленее была. Gopher, моддер-ютубер, по чьим видео я и научился всему что знаю о моддинге фоллаутов и скайрима сделал череду видео-туториалов по вортексу, хотя они могли немного устареть за пару лет. Я тоже не был убежден поначалу, но в последних демонстрациях было наглядно видно что новичкам с ним гораздо легче в том плане что сам менеджер не дает продолжить если что-то неправильно настроено (и естественно будет подсказка в чем дело).
hi again, i installed vortex and tryed installing some mods, but when i tryed to deploy the mods i got this message "failed to deploy mods" once i clicked more and show details I was met with this "spaghetti"
Error: Unexpected token in JSON at position 0.
*** When you report this, please include the file "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\data\vortex.deployment.json ***"
at tagFile (C:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\resources\app.asar\webpack:\src\extensions\mod_management\util\activationStore.ts:172:41)
at tryCatcher (C:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\resources\app.asar\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\util.js:16:23)
at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (C:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\resources\app.asar\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\promise.js:512:31)
at Promise._settlePromise (C:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\resources\app.asar\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\promise.js:569:18)
at Promise._settlePromise0 (C:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\resources\app.asar\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\promise.js:614:10)
at Promise._settlePromises (C:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\resources\app.asar\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\promise.js:689:18)
at Async._drainQueue (C:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\resources\app.asar\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\async.js:133:16)
at Async._drainQueues (C:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\resources\app.asar\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\async.js:143:10)
at Async.drainQueues (C:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\resources\app.asar\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\async.js:17:14)
i tryed to do the first part of it but when i looked my files up i didnt have this file, "vortex.deployment.json ***", i didnt have it help i guess.
Awake at stupid o'clock
Is your Mod Staging Folder on the same drive as your games?
If not, use Vortex to move it there.
I only have one drive is there another way this could be appening
Mayor of Talos Plaza
I only have one drive is there another way this could be appening
Do you have your Mod Staging Folder inside your game folder? If so, use Vortex to move it out of your game folder altogether.
The information requested helps us better understand your issues so that they can be resolved quickly.
Failed to Deploy Mods
Im using the newest version of vortex (0.17.11), Im playing Skyrim LE with 42 mods. AMD Ryzen 5 2600 six core processor, 3.40 ghz dan 16GB ram, using windows 10 pro 64 bit
Using vortex and suddenly i cant deploy my mods
Error: Unexpected token in JSON at position 3145688.
Mayor of Talos Plaza
Failed to Deploy Mods
Im using the newest version of vortex (0.17.11), Im playing Skyrim LE with 42 mods. AMD Ryzen 5 2600 six core processor, 3.40 ghz dan 16GB ram, using windows 10 pro 64 bit
Using vortex and suddenly i cant deploy my mods
Error: Unexpected token in JSON at position 3145688.
any solution?
What do you mean "every single option for deployment is greyed out"? That's not how it works, Vortex doesn't show deployment methods as greyed out, it doesn't list them at all.
When no deployment methods are available you get an error notification that tells you the reason they are unavailable for each one, what's the reason stated for "hardlink deployment" being unavailable?
Edited by Aiden6212, 15 May 2019 - 04:58 AM.
Side note: It appears you are installing your Steam games in Program Files (x86). That is a generally terrible place to put them.
Consider moving them to C:/Games/Steam/steamapps/common.
Program Files is a Windows protected directory. Great place for applications - bad place for Steam games than change a lot.
Side note: It appears you are installing your Steam games in Program Files (x86). That is a generally terrible place to put them.
Consider moving them to C:/Games/Steam/steamapps/common.
Program Files is a Windows protected directory. Great place for applications - bad place for Steam games than change a lot.
I wouldn't sign that, file permissions can be overridden as you go further down the directory tree so "c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data" can have all the write access you need while everything else in "c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps" remains read-only and thereby protected.
So it's perfectly legit, actually advisable to keep your games in program files, as long as you understand how to configure file permissions.
If your alternatives however are "install games outside program files" and "run everything as admin" then yes, the former is preferable.
Иногда режимы Vortex не могут быть предоставлены по какой-либо причине. Если вы используете Vortex и, к сожалению, у вас возникла проблема, вы попали в нужное место.
Vortex - новый современный модный менеджер от Nexus Mods. Как и другие менеджеры модов, пользователи могут легко находить, загружать, устанавливать и управлять модами. Он также предлагает достаточно контроля для опытных ветеранов моддинга.
К сожалению, некоторые пользователи сталкиваются с ошибкой развертывания Vortex при попытке развернуть моды в игре. Эта ошибка может появиться при изменении настроек мода в Vortex или при настройке Vortex в первый раз. . Причины могут быть разными в зависимости от случая.
Если ваши моды Vortex не развертываются, не паникуйте. Вот несколько решений, которые помогут вам решить проблемы. Теперь приступим к устранению неполадок.
Измените расположение папки мода на диске с игрой.
Обновление за апрель 2022 года:
Теперь вы можете предотвратить проблемы с ПК с помощью этого инструмента, например, защитить вас от потери файлов и вредоносных программ. Кроме того, это отличный способ оптимизировать ваш компьютер для достижения максимальной производительности. Программа с легкостью исправляет типичные ошибки, которые могут возникнуть в системах Windows - нет необходимости часами искать и устранять неполадки, если у вас под рукой есть идеальное решение:
WinRAR - это программа сжатия данных, используемая для открытия файлов RAR и ZIP. Если что-то не так с приложением WinRAR, вы не сможете использовать содержимое Vortex. Чтобы решить проблему с WinRAR, необходимо переустановить WinRAR.
Обновите Vortex до последней версии.
Vortex обновлен для повышения производительности за счет исправления известных ошибок и отслеживания технологических достижений. Вы можете столкнуться с этой ошибкой, если используете устаревшую версию Vortex. Следовательно, обновление Vortex до последней версии может решить проблему.
Если вы по-прежнему не можете решить проблему, попробуйте использовать NMM (Nexus Mod Manager) с Vortex. Затем загрузите моды через NMM и используйте Vortex для порядка загрузки.
Совет экспертов: Этот инструмент восстановления сканирует репозитории и заменяет поврежденные или отсутствующие файлы, если ни один из этих методов не сработал. Это хорошо работает в большинстве случаев, когда проблема связана с повреждением системы. Этот инструмент также оптимизирует вашу систему, чтобы максимизировать производительность. Его можно скачать по Щелчок Здесь
CCNA, веб-разработчик, ПК для устранения неполадок
Я компьютерный энтузиаст и практикующий ИТ-специалист. У меня за плечами многолетний опыт работы в области компьютерного программирования, устранения неисправностей и ремонта оборудования. Я специализируюсь на веб-разработке и дизайне баз данных. У меня также есть сертификат CCNA для проектирования сетей и устранения неполадок.
I am getting a lot of mod conflicts with Vortex that were not there in Nexus Mod Manager. What’s wrong?
Nexus Mod Manager and Vortex have different ways of making you aware of file conflicts and enabling you to solve them. In most cases your NMM installation will have several file conflicts which you simply are not aware of, whereas Vortex will inform you about the conflicts, and offer the option to resolve them (in different ways) without having to reinstall the mods in question.
File Conflicts in Nexus Mod Manager
In Nexus Mod Manager, whenever you install a mod which is editing the same files as another mod, you will be presented with an override prompt upon installation.
While you get to decide at this point whether you want to override the other mod’s files, or not, this is the only time Nexus Mod Manager allows you to make that decision. To reverse it, you will have to reinstall the two mods and choose differently.
Once you have made your decision, Nexus Mod Manager will not inform you about the file conflict existing in your load order. In other words, the conflict is still there, but Nexus Mod Manager does not make you aware of it nor allow you to address it without reinstalling the mods. In the picture below, all that we are being made aware of is that both mods are installed. We have no indication as to which mod was set to override the other, and no indication that both mods are in conflict with one another.
File Conflicts in Vortex
With Vortex on the other hand, you have the ability to change your mind about which mod should win the conflict by going last - without needing to reinstall - and the UI informs you of the existence of a file conflict in your load order. Vortex will display a red lightning bolt for file conflicts which have not been addressed, which will change into a green lightning bolt once you have set a rule for the conflicting mods.
Both mods “Rustic Daedra SSE - 2K” as well as “Atronach and Spriggan retexture” make changes to the same files. Therefore the two mods are in conflict with one another. Clicking on the red lightning bolt, we are able to set a rule and decide which mod should “win” the conflict by going after the other. For example, to have “Rustic Daedra SSE - 2K” load after “Atronach and Spriggan retexture” we would set up a rule like this:
After addressing the conflict, the UI informs us that these two mods have conflicting files, but that the conflict has been resolved - indicated by the green lightning bolt:
If we were to change our mind, and decided that, after all, we want “Atronach and Spriggan retexture” to win the conflict by going last, we could simply change the rule we have set up, and - unlike Nexus Mod Manager - we do not have to reinstall the mods for that to take effect.
Swapping the “Load after” to a “Load before” rule will accomplish just that for our example. To adjust the rule, click on the dependency icon (the icon next to the lightning bolt) in the row for “Rustic Daedra SSE - 2K” and change the rule in the dropdown:
Modding is a great way to breathe new life into games that allow it. Through the use of all manner of different creations that generous authors all over the world have shared, you can create a vastly different and highly personalized experience than what the original game offers.
So you want to add mods to Skyrim Special Edition / Fallout 4?
Contrary to what some may say, though modding can become a complex hobby over time, installing your first mod is rather simple. This guide is intended to help you get started by guiding you through the process of installing and configuring Vortex and then installing your first mod.
This document is intended for those who are new to modding. For more detailed information about Vortex usage, see our general Vortex FAQ and Importing FAQ.
This tutorial is intended for those looking to install mods for Fallout 4 or Skyrim Special Edition.
Ensure that the game your want to mod has been downloaded and installed and has successfully been run at least once as this may be important for proper installation of game files.
Download / Install Vortex
If needed, log in to the website using the tools found at the top-right corner of the website.
Navigate to the 'files' tab of the Vortex download page and click "Manual Download". This will start the download.
According to your browser's settings, you may be asked where to save the file or it may be saved to a specified location.
After the download has completed, run the downloaded file which will begin the installation process. After a few moments, the installation process will be complete and Vortex will launch automatically.
To run Vortex in the future, simply double-click the appropriate new icon that was created on your windows desktop and/or start-menu.
Configure Vortex
First, you'll need to authorize Vortex to access your Nexus Mods account. Click the "Login or Register" button found at the top of Vortex:
Your browser open and display the Nexus Mods website which will ask you to confirm authorisation:
After granting Vortex access to your account, you will need to specify which games you would like to manage. Click "Select a game to manage" found under "Let's get you set up" in the dashboard:
Navigate to the 'Discovered' tab. Vortex will try to automatically find valid installations of games it supports, which will be displayed there. Once the game you wish to manage is shown, click it's image to enable mod management (for this guide, please choose Skyrim Special Edition or Fallout 4). After your selection has been made, you will notice the game's image at the top left of Vortex, denoting that it is the game currently being managed.
If you have installed your games to a different partition or storage device than Windows, you will need to reconfigure Vortex to ensure that mods can be properly deployed. To do so, navigate to settings and click the 'mods' tab. There, set your base path to a folder that is located on the same partition as your game and ensure that the Deployment Method option is set to "Hardlink deployment".
Add a mod to your game
Traditionally, this would be the messy part. Thankfully though, Vortex makes it incredibly easy to download and manage mod installation. The first mod you will be installing will be a simple one that replaces the background of your game's main menu, adding a Nexus Mods logo.
Navigate to the "Files" tab and click the "Download with Vortex" button:
Your browser may request permission for Vortex to handle the task, which is normal.
After initializing the download, Vortex will then be launched, brought to the forefront of Windows, and commence the download process. You can view the progress of the download by navigating to the "Downloads" list accessed from the left column of Vortex.
After the download is complete, you will you will be alerted in Vortex with a notification message. Clicking the "install" button found in this notification will start the initial mod installation process. Alternatively, this can be done by navigating to the "Downloads" list within Vortex. There, you can click on the "install" button next to the mod's title.
After installation, which extracts the mod's files to Vortex's staging area, those files will need to be properly deployed to your game's folder. This step can be done simply by clicking the notification shown after installation is complete.
You're finished! Run the modded game!
To launch the game from within Vortex, simply click the game's image at the top left corner of the application window to launch the game. If enabling the downloaded mod has been successful, you should be greeted with a Nexus Mods logo displayed in the background of the game's main menu screen. After confirming the mod is working, you can now quit the game (something you'll grow accustomed to).
Congratulations, your first mod installation was successful!
You're ready to begin your modding journey. Well done! But this is just the beginning…
Always read a file's description in its entirety before installing.
Authors and uploaders almost always include important instructions and information about the installation and intended use of their work. If the description seems beyond your needs or understanding, it may be best to come back to it after you level-up gain more modding experience.
Take things one step at a time.
Try to test each mod as you install it just to ensure that things are working as intended, disabling or uninstalling them if issues arise. Keeping this in mind will no doubt prevent potential headaches in the future.
Be aware of file requirements.
Sometimes, mods require other mods to have been previously installed in order to function properly. When applicable, this information can always be found in the "Requirements" box at the top of each file's description, or otherwise described below by the author, reinforcing the importance of reading each description carefully.
Understand that modding can create incompatible save files.
Before installing a mod, it's best to save your game directly before installing the mod. Then, if an issue should arise after adding a mod, you can return to your previous save after disabling the mod.
When issues inevitably arise, trial and error sometimes works best.
If you're having some issues, try to disable the most recent mod and try again If that doesn't help, try the next, and so-on, returning to a previous save or starting a new game as needed for testing.
Ask your fellow community members for help.
Leave a polite and detailed comment (or bug report) on the file page or take to the forums where you can find help from authors and experience mod users.
If a file description references Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) or another mod manager, it's likely safe to assume Vortex will be able to properly manage the file.
Common file requirements
Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) and Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE) allow for mod authors more freedom when modifying Skyrim / Fallout. Many mods require their use so installation is recommended.
Installation is of course optional, but highly recommended.
Searching for More mods.
Endorse mods you love!
Mod authors pour a lot of work and love into their creations so be sure to show your support for their efforts. The simplest way to do this is to remember to endorse mods that you enjoy. Within Vortex, you can do this when viewing your mods list by clicking the thumbs-up icon listed with each mod. Additionally, when viewing the website, you may also be reminded to endorse previously downloaded files. This reminder can be configured in your account settings accessed from the website.
Disabling and Uninstalling mods.
Disabling a mod can be achieved simply by navigating to your mods list and clicking the status button next to the appropriate entry. This will not remove the mod from your system entirely, but will ensure that it no longer is loaded when the game is launched, keeping any installation options the mod may have offered if reenabled.
To uninstall a mod, simply browse your mod list and click the 'remove' button associated with the appropriate entry. This will remove files associated with a mod from your game, requiring reinstallation if it is to be used again in the future.
There, you are also provided the option to remove the mod's original archive file as well. Doing so will remove the mod entirely from your game, your file system, and from Vortex.
Where can I learn more about Vortex?
Vortex has been created to be a deep and powerful modding tool and the tutorial above only scratches the surface. For detailed more information about Vortex and it's usage, see our see our Vortex FAQ ([1]) Support Wiki ([2]).
What happened to Nexus Mod Manager?
Official support was ended for Nexus Mod Manager in favor of Vortex.
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