Nissan silvia s15 схема
Был в токийском аэропорту в марте, купил пару журналов OPTION.
В одном есть статья, правда на японском как построить SR20VET 700 сил с описанием компонентов и прочего. На примере красной S15, название гаража в котором строили не запомнил.
Могу попробывать отсканить, если кому нужно.
Официальный дилер MAZWORX, Bespoke Ventures, Hypertune, Momentum Motorsports и многих других тюнинг компаний.
[email protected]
тут что не очень пригодилось
бортовик пока только тут
Срочно нннада:
Распиновка мозга. Схема проводки на кондей. Схема мозги-приборка. Всё на PRS13.
Схема проводки на кондей. Схема мозги-приборка. Всё на S14 дорестайл.
Сливовод со стажем
супер-ссылка на распиновки
Сливовод со стажем
Различия моторов разных поколений силвий:
Here are some basic SR20DET specs showing the differences between the S13, S14 and S15 engines. There have been basically 3 generations of the SR20DET. Which one is better, it doesn't really matter, especially since there are very few engines out there that will be left stock for very long. Most customers will install them as stock as possible, but will soon upgrade fuel, turbo, intake, and intercooler, if they have not done so already when they order a conversion package.
Specifications for the Red Top SR20DET
(Found on the 91-93 180SX & Silvia)
Specifications for the Black Top SR20DET
(Found on the 94-98 180SX)
Specifications for the S14 Black Top SR20DET with VTC
(Found on the 95-98 Silvia)
* Horsepower: 220hp @ 6000rpm
* Torque: 203 ft/lbs @ 4800rpm
* Turbo Specs:
* Compressor: T-28, 60 trim 60mm BCI-1 compressor in T-04B housing
* Turbine: T-25, 62 trim 53.8mm 0.64 A/R turbine housing.
* Center Section: Ball Bearing
* S14 SR20DET's use a different ECU and harness, these are extremely expensive and hard to find.
* Variable valve timing system and a different turbo are the significant changes from the S13 SR20DET engines.
* The S13 uses a "low port" intake design vs. the S14 "high port" design.
* Performance:
The stock turbo will be safe to 13-15 psi. After that, the turbo is past its efficiency range, and power increases will fall off and are not worth the risk of turbo damage. The stock engine should produce 250-260 RWHP at safe boost using stock turbo. Upgrading turbo, fuel and rest of need parts will yield 300-375.
Specifications for the S15 Black Top SR20DET
(Found on the 99+ Silvia)
* Horsepower: 250ps @ 6000rpm
* Transmission: 6 Speed, Close Ratio
* Injector Size: 480cc/min
* Turbo Specs:
* Compressor: T-28, 60 trim 60 mm BCI-1 compressor in T-04B housing
* Turbine: Inconel turbine wheel. Cast divider wall between turbine discharge and wastegate.
* Center Section: Ball Bearing
* This engine is expensive and hard to get. If you are on a tight budget, please consider other options as the money you save from buying this engine can be better used to build up a really nice red top.
* Additions: 6 speed manual transmission. The 6 speed cannot be used on the S13 and S14 motors, and uses a different driveshaft. Speed sensor is located in the differential. The 6 speed is cool, but is not as strong as the 5 speed from the older cars. There is basically 6 gears inside the same housing that was designed to hold 5 gears. This makes the gears smaller and weaker, therby breaking more often.
Был в токийском аэропорту в марте, купил пару журналов OPTION.
В одном есть статья, правда на японском как построить SR20VET 700 сил с описанием компонентов и прочего. На примере красной S15, название гаража в котором строили не запомнил.
Могу попробывать отсканить, если кому нужно.
Официальный дилер MAZWORX, Bespoke Ventures, Hypertune, Momentum Motorsports и многих других тюнинг компаний.
[email protected]
тут что не очень пригодилось
бортовик пока только тут
Срочно нннада:
Распиновка мозга. Схема проводки на кондей. Схема мозги-приборка. Всё на PRS13.
Схема проводки на кондей. Схема мозги-приборка. Всё на S14 дорестайл.
Сливовод со стажем
супер-ссылка на распиновки
Сливовод со стажем
Различия моторов разных поколений силвий:
Here are some basic SR20DET specs showing the differences between the S13, S14 and S15 engines. There have been basically 3 generations of the SR20DET. Which one is better, it doesn't really matter, especially since there are very few engines out there that will be left stock for very long. Most customers will install them as stock as possible, but will soon upgrade fuel, turbo, intake, and intercooler, if they have not done so already when they order a conversion package.
Specifications for the Red Top SR20DET
(Found on the 91-93 180SX & Silvia)
Specifications for the Black Top SR20DET
(Found on the 94-98 180SX)
Specifications for the S14 Black Top SR20DET with VTC
(Found on the 95-98 Silvia)
* Horsepower: 220hp @ 6000rpm
* Torque: 203 ft/lbs @ 4800rpm
* Turbo Specs:
* Compressor: T-28, 60 trim 60mm BCI-1 compressor in T-04B housing
* Turbine: T-25, 62 trim 53.8mm 0.64 A/R turbine housing.
* Center Section: Ball Bearing
* S14 SR20DET's use a different ECU and harness, these are extremely expensive and hard to find.
* Variable valve timing system and a different turbo are the significant changes from the S13 SR20DET engines.
* The S13 uses a "low port" intake design vs. the S14 "high port" design.
* Performance:
The stock turbo will be safe to 13-15 psi. After that, the turbo is past its efficiency range, and power increases will fall off and are not worth the risk of turbo damage. The stock engine should produce 250-260 RWHP at safe boost using stock turbo. Upgrading turbo, fuel and rest of need parts will yield 300-375.
Specifications for the S15 Black Top SR20DET
(Found on the 99+ Silvia)
* Horsepower: 250ps @ 6000rpm
* Transmission: 6 Speed, Close Ratio
* Injector Size: 480cc/min
* Turbo Specs:
* Compressor: T-28, 60 trim 60 mm BCI-1 compressor in T-04B housing
* Turbine: Inconel turbine wheel. Cast divider wall between turbine discharge and wastegate.
* Center Section: Ball Bearing
* This engine is expensive and hard to get. If you are on a tight budget, please consider other options as the money you save from buying this engine can be better used to build up a really nice red top.
* Additions: 6 speed manual transmission. The 6 speed cannot be used on the S13 and S14 motors, and uses a different driveshaft. Speed sensor is located in the differential. The 6 speed is cool, but is not as strong as the 5 speed from the older cars. There is basically 6 gears inside the same housing that was designed to hold 5 gears. This makes the gears smaller and weaker, therby breaking more often.
Руководство по ремонту, эксплуатации и техобслуживанию Nissan Silvia S15 (Часть 1)
Примечание: Так же на Английском языке
Руководство по ремонту, эксплуатации и техобслуживанию Nissan Silvia S15 (Часть 2)
Примечание: Так же на Английском языке
Руководство по ремонту, эксплуатации и техобслуживанию Nissan Silvia S15 (Часть 3)
Примечание: Так же на Английском языке
Могу дать электронную версию книги "Nissan Двигатели RB20E, RB25DE, RB25DET, RB26DETT. Устройство, техническое обслуживание, ремонт" в формате pdf, кому то нужна?
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или банальный подсос воздуха.
бери мультиметр и лови значение при закрытом дросселе дб 0.45 вольт. поворачивая его немного.
затягивай болты и еще раз проверь что бы было 0,45.
тк при затяжке может уйти немного.
цвет провода только не знаю, тк на автомате больше проводов и цвет другой у провода.
потыкай в разные иголкой. где блже к 0,5 будет, значит он=)
покрути еще клапан ХХ может быть в нем проблема.
или банальный подсос воздуха.
"MAF, свечи, зажигание, дырка во впуске" - универсальный ответ на вопрос - "что с моим CA18DET(SR20DET)?"
"Winter is coming"
Тогда уж так
Once again, these links are for vehicles that are commonly used in drifting.
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